Background Pony #3629
I see Opaline’s reaction if she saw Rainbow beat her chest. She call her a savage, being a fussy lady. But the Mane 5 and Misty see it as a positive feminist moment. Zipp can say ‘Go girl’.
It’s a traced drawing of the scene from the episode “Swarm Of The Century”, in which she beats her chest and yells like a warrior going into battle, before she starts to sweep up all of the Parasprites with a tornado.
I actually changed her goggles a bit, to look more like the Wonderbolt goggles, simply because I didn’t want to take the risk of drawing her eyes badly.
I hope you all enjoy this one. I myself am not quite so pleased with how it turned out. But, you know what they say? Practice makes perfect, right?!
Made with DeviantArt muro