Even if they don’t compare to a true alicorn, they are powerful enough to destroy entire battalions all by themselves.
Unlike the crystal mage, their shield is extremely resistent to both magical and physical attacks. The only way to penetrate their defenses is to attack on multiple sides at the same time, this will break their focus and dispell the shield for a time.
Well he takes slaves and mind control them with dark magic
She would indeed catch on if they told her they were released by Sombra but the thing is, they don’t know it, the hypnosis makes them believe they fought their way out of prison and fled the crystal empire. Or were you saying that Sombra is not merciful enough to take prisoners?
I think Celestia would catch on since she knows sombra isn’t that mersavle
I had a similar idea were he would implant hypnotic orders into the brain of prisoners and give them crystals imbued with a powerful explosive spell before releasing them, the soldiers think they managed to escape and return to Celestia’s army where they behave normally until they find their target and are forced to blow themselves up.
Maybe sombra would make suisude boomers like make so catips go made and rush at some infantry
Well, first you need to disable their shield or none of your attacks will land (unless you’re an alicorn or a big dragon), In order to do that you will need to suround them and attack them on all side, this will break their concentration and dispell their shield for a time.
Once it’s done it boil down to killing them before they kill you with their magic. Luckily, due to their poor mental perfomances they can’t do complex spells and are limited to shield and magic beams.
Once they’re dead, you need to quickly retreat before all the dark energies accumulated in their body are released, making them violently explode.