Row 2: Granny Smith, Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, Mayor Mare, Angel Wings (itunes updated), Spoiled Rich, Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Sprout Greenhoof, Morning Roast, Booksmart, 4 unnamed polo players
Row 3: Chock-full Carafe, Feather bangs, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Strawberry Sunrise, Nurse Redheart, “PJ”, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Big Macintosh, Sugar Belle, Night Glider, Manehattan Delegate, March Gustysnows (Whinnyapolis Delegate), Free Throw , Tropical Dream
Row 4: Star Streak, Inky Rose, Lily Lace, Vapor Trail, Sky Stinger, Burning Passion, Fresh Coat, Cleopatra Jazz, Flashdancer, Trixie, Party Favor, Double Diamond, Frazzle Rock (Nerdy Delegate), “Dr. Steve Brule”, masseuse pony, fleur de verre
Row 5: Chipcutter, Charity Sweetmint (my interpretation), Radiant Hope, Babs Seed, Sappho, Lightning Dust, “Crystal Hoof” (Thorax), Saffron Masala, Coriander Cumin, Trixie’s Mom, Penny Ante, Copper Top, Bittersweet, Leadwing, “Annoyed Delegate”, Leonardo da Brinci
Row 6: Star Swirl (Alternate, Journal Cover), Star Swirl (Friendship University), Meadowbrook (Assumed, Journal Cover), Rockhoof, Flash Magnus, Mistmane, Somnambula, Wind Rider, Stormy Flare, Bulk Biceps, Tree Hugger, Clear Skies, Open Skies, The Little Match Filly, Quarter Hearts, Suri Polomare
Row 7: Twilight Velvet, Mrs. Shy, Pear Butter, Windy Whistles, Cookie Crumbles, Cloudy Quartz, Marble Pie, Limestone Pie, Derpy, Crackle Pop, Fluffy Clouds, Sunshower, Zecora, Lyra Heartstrings, Minty Bubblegum, Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops
Row 8: Night Light, Mr. Shy, Bright Mac, Bow Hothoof, Hondo Flanks, Igneous Rock, Maud Pie (Toys), Maud Pie (Show), Cinnamon Chai, Merry May, Cloud Kicker, Royal Riff, Sunburst’s Dad, Sunburst’s Mom, Cherry Fizzy, Lemon Hearts
Row 9: Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Wild Fire, Lucky Clover, Buddy, Minuette & Doctor Whooves, Sea Swirl, Twinkleshine, Crescent Pony/Mane Moon, Aloe & Lotus Blossom, Vera, Coco Pommel
Row 10: Shining Armor, Zephyr Breeze, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Flash Sentry, Lavender Essence, Birch Bucket, Troubleshoes, Tender Taps, Soarin’, Spitfire, Thunderlane, Fleetfoot, Cattail, Petunia Paleo
Row 11: Princess Cadance, Cirrus Cloud (IDW), Surprise (Unofficial), Sandbar, Jiffy Bake/Rachel Neigh, Misty Fly, Jack Pot, Mudbriar, Pony Rick, Stellar Flare, Firelight, Appointed Rounds, Rainy Day, Sunny Delivery, Snails, Snips
Row 12: Gizmo, Steela Oresdottir (IDW), Shutter Bug (Chrysalis), Aunt Holiday (IDW), Aunt Holiday (DHX), Auntie Lofty (IDW), Auntie Lofty (DHX), Queen Cleopatrot (IDW), G1-G4 Bon Bon (Unofficial), Minty, Bellflower Blurb, Dusty Pages, Quibble Pants, Clear Sky, Wind Sprint, Power Jerk
Row 13: Amber Grain, Auburn Vision, Clever Musings, Bifrost, Night View, Peppermint Goldylinks, Berry Blend, Starblazer, Dawnlighter, November Rain, Citrine Spark, Loganberry, End Zone, Golden Crust, Fire Flicker, Huckleberry
Row 14: Fuchsia Frost, Berry Sweet, Tune-Up, Midnight Snack, Ocarina Green, Peppe Ronnie, Sugar Maple, Slate Sentiments, Violet Twirl
Row 15: Kerfuffle, Desert Wind
Doesn’t have all the students yet, but getting there.
If you find the time, could browse the background pony naming thread. Not suggesting doing every pony, but to make sure there’s those you might be interested in.
I think so too.
I generally only have them for characters i’ve done a vector of. I might do more of the road trip characters.
i notice you have kerfuffle’s cutie mark, do you have the rest of the rainbow roadtrip character’s CMs there?
I think he is a recent addition (though I could be wrong). I don’t remember seeing his mark here before.
So, what about Flash Sentry?
One of the weirdest human-world references is the ocarina cutie mark in row 14, an instrument that clearly requires fingers to play.
And then there’s Yuma Spurs’ actual spurs mark.
If by one you mean well over a hundred, yeah.
Ok than.
I haven’t done a vector of her yet, so I haven’t had reason to do it so far.
I think this chart is only for the FIM characters; EqG characters don’t count.
The characters are going yo be blank flanks of the main and secondary characters which all have different traits and instead of picking up Items, they would pick up cutie marks which give’em special abilities. The only thing left is figuring out enemies and emplacements… Keeping it in mind…