And what lies beyond these magical land of Equestria? Chaos. Devastation. Barbarism. Ponies are the only species to raise such a big country with many cities, railways, medicine and education. The others whoever they are and they are are doomed to live their primitive ways until ponies would decide to do something about it. While Equestria had reached such a greatness, the most advanced of the other species have nothing but a single city called kingdom, or even nothing but willage clinging to the side of the majestic colossus.
Everyone, everything shall sumbit to this beacon of civilization… which could fall by the will of a single pony. The one who wuld refuse to let the day begin out of jealous. Or the one who would play with the time itself to avenge, or even remove all the magic forever to rule over the remains. Yes, the remains, because everything will fall into chaos should Equestria be destroyed. Nothing will grow without its help, nothing will live. Without the ponies who can’t hold unity inside their own species without evil winter spirits as a reminder.
P. S.
Neighsay: delivers a racist speech
Ponies: listen and smile like this is normal
Yep. And they wasted that plot, instead turning to old stupid “earth ponies vs pegasi vs unicorns” in season 9.
Neighsay: delivers a racist speech
Ponies: listen and smile like this is normal
I guess lots of ponies are trained in their mind to have pride that their kind are responsible of everything, but even so, such pride may not be likable by other creatures and still calls for danger, especially when other sentient races may overpower and take over if friendship didn’t spread enough.
That’s actually a good point.
I think one of the best things I’ve ever heard said/asked of some of these SJW “Open Borders!” people is
“How many of these immigrants are you willing to house yourself?”
Because it’s both hilarious and sad that those people supposedly want to let all these other people in, but they’re not going to help them in any real way.
Well, I won’t say that Yaks are the more…sophisticated of peoples, but they’re hardly a war mongering race.
I guess dragons may come down to more the individual level than the races as a whole.
How about Rutherford declaring war for some stupid reason right after opening their borders? And where do you think the red guy from “Dragonshy” took his gold? Not gems, which seem to be everywhere, his hoard was mogtly gold.
They’ll spout out their nonsense that talks about how to make things better, but is actually racist and bigoted itself.
And while I could understand that sentiment if let’s say, the Yaks or Dragons were know to raid and pillage and other such things ponies en mass, but that’s simply not the case within the show.
Also, two words: Spike wants. Some don’t even need to attack, a single greed accident is enough to get a huge dragon ravaging pony settlement with almost miracle reqired to stop it peacefully. This is especially funny considering where the speech is taken from.
But the point isn’t whether anyone attacked ponies or not, it’s just the world at large completely depending on Equestria’s existence.
Considering we’ve yet to actually see any of the other races besides changelings attack ponies by choice? Yes.
But is it wrong?