Hence this is why i dumbly MSPainted the formulas that were on the Guignols skit to this screencap of Pinkie Pie who roughly twenty years after DeGreef tried to explain to an incredulous audience the subtility of the art of comedy and i do realize the irony of me writing this wall of text to explain this joke and why i was dumbly laughing at myself when the episode aired imagining Pinkie Pie quoting Les Guignols “Ah mais si mais si obligé c’est marrant brony fandom, toyline historically for girls ,memes and Internet,huge Internet influence, Derpy Hooves wall-eyed mare ,cupcakes ,Steven Magnet periphery audience et à la fin uuuuuh enculunmouton ?”
Derpibooru : C’est l’humour français, ça ?
Me: Avec un chapeau euuuh, plus évident
You can know downvote this obscure French reference
Vraiment, et ben, expliquer moi, pourquoi est ce que c’est drôle ?
Ah ufff ah oui euh un peu mais au moins c’était pas stouqette. Enormément stouquette de poney sur Rule34.Stouquette partout comme sur Canal le samedi soir
Well, both Boloré and Macron were Rothschild’s employees, so it’s not really a surprise they are hard-wired to make everything around them as shit as possible …