At one point she was also temporarily stuck as stallion for a few days and then dyed his hair green. About a month later Hitch was revealed. It’s just a coincided but it’s still funny. Talk about perfect timing. XD
Sooo… Your OC has the same coat/mane combination as Scootaloo, Tender Taps, and probably several others I don’t know by name; she wears a saddlebag like… pretty much every foreground and background pony has, at one time or another; and her cutie mark involves a star in some form.
I hate to be the first one to break this to you, but that doesn’t exactly add up to “Unique and unmistakable snowflake; Donut steel™.”
That’s less a case of “copying your homework” and more a case of “arriving at the same answer, because they did the same damn homework.”
I really hope this post was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek joke.
Um…elements of past ponies are copied all the time from generation to generation. Many people forget that the G4 cast was largely inspired by past G1 and G3 characters (some more overtly than others). So I don’t see how character similarities are a problem here.
She’s not my OC. She’s a character from some webcomic.
At one point she was also temporarily stuck as stallion for a few days and then dyed his hair green. About a month later Hitch was revealed. It’s just a coincided but it’s still funny. Talk about perfect timing. XD
U know what a meme is, right?
Well according to the tags one of the characters is an OC so that might have something to do with this.
Anyone ever think that maybe, just maybe, the Mane 5 MAY somehow be descendants of the Mane6?