What is one of your happiest earliest memories? Have you and Spike hung out lately? Do you like cookies? Offer’s the Changeling King a sugar cookie and a scritch under the chin
As insects are an extremely diverse species, I wonder if perhaps there are secret subtypes of changelings, like changelings that live underground, look different, etc.
So have any of the changelings gain any abilities of other type of bugs? Like the stinger of a wasp? The stench of a stinkbug? The poison coat of a caterpillar ?
How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence to think you can, but are there any scenarios where you think you can? Shame on you sweet Thorax.
“Are you ugly on purpose? Ordinarily, that would be a cruel question, but as Changelings are shapeshifters, I kinda feel it’d have to be intentional.” Genuinely, I’ve never liked “King” Thorax’s design or color scheme.
I wanted so badly for the show to address that.
thank you
Insects aren’t a species, they’re a class, and the most populous class of the entire animal kingdom.
Cry about it
Genuinely, I’ve never liked “King” Thorax’s design or color scheme.