It seems to allude to a not so great family life at Scootaloo’s house. We don’t know a lot about the CMC’s parents (we do know a lot about Apple Bloom’s family life though) and I hope it’s something this series dives deeper into.
She suggested watching a teen movie and those things are quite often raunchy. American Pie, Porkies, Revenge of the Nerds, Not Another Teen Movie. All of these are teen movies.
It seems to allude to a not so great family life at Scootaloo’s house. We don’t know a lot about the CMC’s parents (we do know a lot about Apple Bloom’s family life though) and I hope it’s something this series dives deeper into.
How is it dark o.o? She was talking shit about them and didn’t want SB saying anything to Scoots.
She can be both.
She suggested watching a teen movie and those things are quite often raunchy. American Pie, Porkies, Revenge of the Nerds, Not Another Teen Movie. All of these are teen movies.