Title: FoE Fanart: Peach Glow bio
Heres a fanart of another one of my ocs, Peach Glow. Her origin is similar yet different in the FoE spin-off and the Rainbow01 au. This artwork specifically is for FoE
For context, in the FoE world, Peach Glow was rescued by some wastelanders of Stable 49 from some cruel laboratory.
It was then later found out that due to her time there, her mind was stunted, in this case, she’s mentally a child (Tho in some future fanart I might draw her in her more mature state, alongside age). She is also missing a wing, and according to herself, she lost it during a “running test with blades”
to explain her Special Stats more, and may change:
Agility is at 8 due to the morbid experiments she has been through, and her body is shown to be kinda flexible. 7 in Endurance is similar as well.
Charisma is at 7 due to her friendly nature, and sometimes acts a little protective (in other words, don’t make her angry).
Extra facts:
Peach Glow is adopted by Heartbeat and Stone Wave, making them step parents to her, alongside Sharpeye as her uncle.
Peach Glow sometimes “jump hug” to certain creatures she knows of. For context, she first crouches like a predator animal about to leap, and then jump and tackle them.
She concerning knows how to handle certain weapons such as a knife or a battle saddle
She is kinda inspired by Fluttershy (besides the mane and coat, it may change or not XD). In this case, she is seen communicating with insects such as giant roaches, giving her a bit of a nickname, “The Roach Queen”
I can also see her getting a metal wing to replace her lost one as a filly.
Also, two wings = chaotic flying time, at least Rina is there to teach her not to summon storms by accident