Clumsy is very Broad and a bit Husky, standing at 10’8” feet tall and weighting 237 pounds, current age: 4879. His coat is a strong but suttle white, with freckles spanning over different spots of his body. His mane and tail are a soft and vibrant shade of pink. His fur is extremely soft. He normally sports a dark black choker and will sometimes, depending on the weather or occucation, will put his mane and tail on a bun. He will also spontaniously dress up in suits or baggy clothes depending on his mood. He has also watched anime when traversing the human world and has some cosplay outfits tailored just to him, his favorite being Alucard from Hellsing: Ultimate. His teeth are sharp and sturdy enough to rip and tear right through metal, so a ponies flesh is childs play. His eye’s are relevent to his species and will be explained further, however his eye is a Ruby and his pupil is a Amber, with his inner pupil being a upside down black cross that shines bright white when enraged.