“unexpected love life of dusk shine”
basically the thought of the rest of the mane 6 wanting the D(usk shine)
but in this , their personalities are in the “agressive” fandom traits they’re given (such as flutter rape, discorded rarity etc etc.)
I know that was the intention, but when I read a story with canon characters, I prefer to see them act…like their canon selves. It just turns me off from a story when a character/or characters are changed for the sake of comedy/plot.
Yeah, this story wasn’t bad, but it was one thing that bothered me because I kept thinking ‘Rarity wouldn’t do that’ or ‘Why the buck would Rainbow want a nerd she knows next to nothing about’.
(I know the story’s still going on. Does it get better or mellow out?)
you raise a mighty fine point my good sir.
yes the fic has flaws, but even the author said (well i think he did in one of his blog releases) that he was doing the story for the sake of humor/ harem humor and just that. sure it’s like he’s setting it up to a big conclusion to whatever he’s planning but eh, to each his own. and it is a Fic after all.
And I really agree on the Rarity, Aj and Fluttershy thing.
Rarity’s just kind of shallow and not loving Dusk for his nerdy self (sure he’s attractive and bla dibla, but again, shallow).
-Aj’s a down to earth pony; she wouldn’t really force anything, let alone love on somebody else.
-for FS, I think she did say that she likes Dusk but she’s unsure of what level it is at. She likes him in a more than a friend way but can;t quite see how it plays out if they become more than that.
as for the Slendermane arc. yes that was pretty boring, filler chapters and what not yet gave enough laughs as it progressed for it to be considered good.
And not to mention about the characters. (I only got a few chapters into it. I left at the start of the whole ‘Scootaloo’s dad is Slendermane’.)(And forgive me if I’m wrong on some things. I haven’t read it in a while.)
Rainbow Dash is even more insufferable then she is in canon. (At least in the series she wasn’t too bad, just not a favorite.)
Rarity’s whole thing for Dusk is shallow. He’s pretty much royalty and that’s it. That’s her motivation for wanting him. Actually, it highlights her desire for Blueblood, which was in the original series. Except in the series, since Blueblood wasn’t there and was a jerk to her, we didn’t see it go any place. (Also, I doubt her canon self would force herself onto Blueblood. At least she has manners and acts like a lady, not a sex crazed/royalty wannabee.)
Fluttershy and Applejack were good. I rather liked them and thought they were done well. (Also, of the mares who liked Dusk, I’d pick Applejack. She wasn’t shallow or crazy like the others.)
Fluttershy….I don’t think she liked Dusk more then a friend.
Pinkie Pie…I don’t know. It was skewed up and she was unsettling, but Pinkie’s my favorite character in the show. I kind of like her in the story, but still her other self is really messed up, and again, she doesn’t seem like the happy go lucky, naive, wants to be friends with everyone self that she is in canon.
Some other parts were hit and miss. The whole inclusion of Trixie was….pretty much another love interest for Dusk. And up to the point I read, she wasn’t really interesting.
Luna’s infatuation…I have no feelings one way or the other.
On the whole, it was alright. It just didn’t drag me in and keep my attention. Some of the characters were OOC.
And also, why did Celestia send her sister, Shining Armor, and several guards to accompany Dusk.
While in canon, She just sent the main six on the blind hope that they could take on a dragon by themselves. (I’ll chalk that up to Celestia’s psychic foresight….Well she was a farseer in another life.)