Honeysuckle attempts to free herself while most of the bee swarm is away, capturing and threatening Queen Bumble, too.
Pointer: “Hey! Where do you think you’re going?”
Honeysuckle: “I… I’m just thirsty. It’s hard work.”
Pointer: “Hey!”
Queen Bumble: “Hey! What’s going on here? Let me down! … No! No, don’t let me down! Help!”
This further proves how badass G1 ponies can be…
Honeysuckle and Morning Glory (who’s elsewhere finding help) had actually been debating throughout this story about whether its better to be diplomatic or aggressive against their enemies.
Both methods and attitudes have their advantages. Sting becomes Morning Glory’s ally because of her kindness and compassion, and he’s the most competent and dangerous of the bees.
She’s a queen bee so she’s to fat to fly.