Background Pony #5CAD
As nighttime falls in New York City, Flash, Spike, Tommy and Twilight are having dinner together and she is relieved that Flash looked after her Elements of Harmony book before any idiot steals it. When Tommy asks Spike and Twilight how the duo ended up in New York City, Twilight explains that she and Spike went through an invisible barrier in the Everfree Forest and jumped into a moving train that leads the duo to New York City. Given the fact that Tommy hasn’t heard the Everfree Forest before, Twilight adds that Equestria is a land where she and Spike came from, filled with alicorns, Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi. Also, a concerned Tommy isn’t dreaming after all. On TV, the news shows that the pretzel vendor received 10 bits ($500 to $1000) and researchers are unable to claim its heritage so far. Given the fact that Tommy hasn’t heard bits before, Twilight explains that bits are Equestria’s currencies and due to safety concerns, Flash discourages Twilight from walking outside as there are some people out there who attempts to torture the duo. A worried Twilight fears that everypony may start a search and operation rescue she is unable to use the Elements of Harmony to protect both Equestria and planet Earth, but she knocks her head by the ceiling and landed onto the chair. Tommy suggests Twilight to take on a tour of New York City to study more and go to the library, much to her joy. After Flash left, an excited Twilight Sparkle cannot wait to explore the library tomorrow until Spike is unable to sleep properly due to her loud voice. Afterwards, she went to sleep.