Normally I’m hesitant to call a pop-culture reference a “brony shout-out”, but the scene in the musical number where Discord drops spaghetti over Cadance and Twilight pretty much had to be one–that’s straight out of 4chan.
@Background Pony #C325
Like I said in the description, there were a lot of references, even if they weren’t Brony ones. 66% of that box would be tickable, and in that case, it deserves an “orange” cross.
I don’t think the Hunter S. Thompson references were “brony shoutouts”, just the standard references the show puts in to amuse all adults who happen to be watching - independently or forcibilly with their children.
There’s been now screencaps of her. It’s safe to say we’d have probably spotted her by now if she was.
So yeah, mark it X.
Like I said in the description, there were a lot of references, even if they weren’t Brony ones. 66% of that box would be tickable, and in that case, it deserves an “orange” cross.
but don’t you know? EVERY adult reference is a BRONY reference now! it’s ALL pandering!
Eyup. A new Bingo every episode!