Just the Griffinizing Pond, the Donkifiying Pond, the Dragonizing Pond, the Caninizing Pond, the Breezififying Pond, the Changelingification Pond, the Queen Changelingification Pond, the Crystalification Pond, the Cowification Pond, the Abomination Pond, the Alicornizing Pond, the Ediblification Pond, the Gooification Pond, the Ghostification Pond, the Fernification Pond, the Flammablizing Pond, the Suicide Pond, the Reverse Mirror Pond, the Undead Pond, the Impotence Pond, the Sneezing Pond, the Humanization Pond, the Ponification Pond, the Growth Pond, the Knitting Pond, the other Growth Pond (wink wink), the Metal Gear Pond, the Shrink Pond, the Super Jump Pond, the Illiteracy Pond, the Rule 34 Pond, the Rule 63 Pond, the Super Rule 34 Pond, the Iraqification Pond, the Really REALLY Bad Rule 34 Pond, the Pretty Pond, the Ugly Pond, the Gay Pond, the Racism Pond, the Implication Pond, the Lactation Pond, the Infinite Ammo Pond, the Drama Pond, the Youth Pond, the Aging Pond, the Cannibalization Pond, the Rubberizing Pond, the John Joseco Pond, the Blonde Pond, the Advice-Giving Blob Monster Disguised As A Pond, the Cooking Pond, the Wealth Pond, the Fairy Pond, the Dan Pond, the Social Justice Pond, the Great And Powerful Pond, the Shipping Pond, the Anti-Shipping Pond, the Murder Pond, the Magnetism Pond, the Starvation Pond, the Herpes Pond, the Invisibility Pond, the Revisibility Pond, the Jontron Pond…
And still they haven’t done an episode about sea ponies! Given that Hasbro loves selling sea pony toys, it could easily be done in Season 6 or 7.
I think clone will be reversed in color and temperament.
Equestria’s economy would make for a suitable*
Combined with the bountiful gems that rest underground or any other area, I’d say their economy would make their country a suitable utopia.
Yes, Equestria has that much water.
I’d love it, too XD
She’s be like the Creeper to Discord’s Joker
“She’s-…She’s too much…She’s more chaotic than me!”
The other element bearers gasp