She is now a milkmare, who takes up astronomy!
She is basically a bi.
Due to her discord eye, she can not only just make regular milk, but chocolate milk as well with will. Her eye was cut out when she was a filly, and replaced with a discord eye. Her breasts are also so big, they can fit 3 large dildos!
(I’ll give you a few guesses to figure out where her outfit came from.)
Wow. Is that true?
I am not kidding. You think I’m saying that for comedic effect or to exaggerate how bad this image is but this image actually made me blow chunks.
Never before has any image I’ve ever seen done that, and I browse /b/. Well done, artist.
in english general please
I’m going to go ahead and be a helpful guy here and ask if you’ve browsed the various media this fandom has created over the past four years, and will follow up with a question inquiring as to how much you’ve absorbed the lessons it should have taught you. Of course, you could very well be 12 years old, in which case all of my advice will be moot anyway, and I’ll lay off any further comments.
Well, It’s not. Sorry.
The size of her || melons ||
my god ow my eyes