@Darth Sonic
The Great American Melting Pot. Probably works better with magic and having each state or country in their own separate planet. (Don’t ask how world peace can be reclaimed after the numerous worlds fuse into one world again. <w< )
Looking back on this, I have to wonder: While I know this was made in jest, I hope they realize that the Keyblades have symbolic purposes that require them to be keys, and that it can’t just be replaced with any old thing. “Unlocking” new horizons, inner potential, others hearts via relationships, the works. Can’t really think of what an egg beater would represent.
The Great American Melting Pot. Probably works better with magic and having each state or country in their own separate planet. (Don’t ask how world peace can be reclaimed after the numerous worlds fuse into one world again. <w< )
Yeah, I guess I tempted fate in hindsight XD
Beats me.
No clue.
Right. Kind of random: Why did Christopher Lee quit playing Ansem the Wise?
Damn…Hopefully Leonard Nimoy won’t be next, since he’s Xehanort’s English voice actor.
Egh, now instead of ウフフフフ、it’ll be イヒヒヒヒ、won’t it? :P
(I’m joking. Matter of fact, I’ve not heard any of his seiyuu before Sonic Adventure. :T )
Very nice.
He does. Master and Young. Best of luck!
@Dirty Bit
Fun fact: Chikao Otsuka is the Japanese VA for Master Xehanort and Doctor Eggman. And Big Boss.
Xehanort: You little thieves…Did you really thing you would get out of here alive? reveals himself to the group
Rainbow Dash: Come and get some, Eggman!
In another universe, a evil scientist let off a sneeze while tinkering with his devices
If only one of Xehanort had a theme, then I could mix the lyrics with E.G.G.M.A.N. X3
Ladle … that’s a weird word. Ladle, ladle, ladle …
Good point. We’re switching to the ladle, though.
Not as gory as the chainsaw before Nomura switched to the Keyblade.
And the Self-Insert ends up being a potential vessel.
But really, isn’t an Egg Beater gory?
So which one of them gets to sleep with you?
Looked at description.
Groaned heavily.
Curse you, Whinny Land!
If one reads any synopsis of the series, they will burst into laughter. X3