We all like games, so in this thread we will discuss gameservers run by derpibooru people for derpibooru people, and we can all game together in harmony. If you’re running or thinking about running some sort of gameserver for the community, post here to tell us about it! I’ll endeavour to keep this first post updated with all the servers I know about, but I will probably only know about it if you post in this thread.
Inexplicably in power
Yo dawg, we heard you like derpibooru and playing games so we put derpibooru in your games so you can yell at vaguely familiar people on the internet while they blow you up with god damn crockets.
We all like games, so in this thread we will discuss gameservers run by derpibooru people for derpibooru people, and we can all game together in harmony. If you’re running or thinking about running some sort of gameserver for the community, post here to tell us about it! I’ll endeavour to keep this first post updated with all the servers I know about, but I will probably only know about it if you post in this thread.
A Minecraft Server
Operated by equestria-prevails and using a whitelist - contact him to get access.
TEAM FORTRESS 2 - Official Derpiserver
Operated by Carcer. Vanilla 20-slot TF2 server. London-based.