I got an inkling of that browsing Google News headlines today. Apparently one Alabama state Senator was asked about the IVF ruling and really struggled to answer, even saying “That’s a hard one.”
The GOP lost control of their Frankenstein monster years ago, and it’s biting them in the ass more and more each election cycle. That Senator was caught between pissing off her Evangelical nutjob base and pissing off affluent suburban white voters, both of which she needs to keep her seat.
Speaking of losing control, I saw
this CS Monitor article about longtime South Carolina GOP leaders and operatives being forced out of local and county outfits by Trump loyalists, even those that supported Trump in both elections but deviated from “the program” too much.
It brings to mind a story political blogger Chris Ladd told about how Dixiecrats took over the Harris County GOP starting in 1990. He was there to witness it happen in real time, as the meetings got stormed by Evangelical ex-Democrats led by Dr. Steven Hotze, and existing Harris County Republican leadership was forced out by these radical insurgents.
Now it’s happening again, and playing out much in the same way. This time though, it’s not so much as “moderate-right vs far-right” as it is “worships the Mango Messiah hard enough.”