nicotine itself seems to be a psychostimulant with little evidence supporting its link to cancer. this class of drug is still dumb, you just become dependant and return to baseline. Now you need that cigarette to feel normal the same way you would if you never smoked at all. Cocaine, Meth, Heroine and Alcohol are much more powerful psycho-stimulants*
However when you’re smoking tobacco you’re combusting plant matter. Endless bizarre chemicals and carbonaceous compounds are made this way. Burning plants into your lungs doesn’t seem very smart.
Burning weed into your lungs is not as strongly linked to cancer. I assume just because of less combusted plant matter, weed smokers don’t smoke a twenty pack of joints a day. A lot of smokers compulsively finish a whole 20 pack of cigarettes a day. Healthy active people should avoid marijuana and tobacco.
Burning any plant matter to inhale its gasses can contribute to cancer. If you’re going to smoke because you don’t care, don’t make it a compulsion.
*depressants like painkillers and alcohol even marijuana have profound stimulant effects on some parts of the body, like the amygdala. their addictive tendencies are all pretty similar, Heroine and Meth being some of the worst, while Nicotine, Caffeine, and Alcohol is the most shoved down our faces.
Cigarette smoking has a loose correlation with intelligence. Not because the drug isn’t cancerous or stupid, but because it only last 15 minutes or so, while many other drugs of addiction can last hours and take over your day. It’s a huge risk, when proper diet and exercise has a much stronger link to cognitive enhancement.
Tobacco and high blood pressure are two of the biggest causes of preventable death. In most common folk preventable death would look something like tobacco, obesity, then alcohol. Outside of but sometimes related to substance is vehicle accidents in people in ages 20-30. Nothing glorious about smoking, but compared to other substances the deaths are inflated because of the social acceptability, and co administration/complications, more than the danger of the tobacco itself.
Weed is conveniently linked to no deaths as they say, but this is horse shit, it causes bronchiospasms, heart attacks, vehicle accidents, anxiety attacks, and psychosis. You should be skeptical about how science frames any drug, science can be tilted for dishonest motivations.