While I’m so glad that Silent Hill 2 Remake got a good reception from general modern horror fans and casual gamers alike…
Now that Silent Hill somehow got back on the map…
I think about Silent Hill P.T.
Damn, that little thing was special. It. Was. SPECIAL. And it wasn’t special just because of its quality alone. It was special because it was right in the midst of the youtube horror let’s plays era, where the landscape was being shaped by games like Amnesia, Outlast, Cry of Fear, Slender the eight pages…
P.T then came out of goddamn nowhere, casually solidifies itself as The GOAT and just left. It’s imprinted such a strong impression that many PT clones project got started, trying to recreate that magic. None has managed to do what it did.
Until…at least, well…
until the Resident Evil 7 demo. The Beginning Hour. I feel like that was Capcom’s answer to P.T.