Rainboom Dash
comments from hidden images show on the recent comments on the profile page but disappear when you click “view all”
Try now. I’ve boxed the anonymous avatar into a 125x125 square instead of allowing it to be 1200x1200.
Extremely minor, but it no longer shows “WebM” over the WebM images on search to differentiate it from gifs.
On the old software, if you click on or search for a tag that you have set as spoilers, it won’t show the images as spoilered. On Philomena, they’re still spoilered. Kind of a minor pet peeve, since I would often use that as a way to bypass spoilers without outright turning off spoilers for that particular tag.
The ordering of filters in the select element popup for filters has changed. On the live site, the optgroups listed are in the order [“Your Filters”, “Recent Filters”], while on philomena, the ordering is [“Recent Filters”, “Your Filters”]. A minor thing, but its screwing with my muscle memory.Even more minor is that the text in the select element popup for filters on the live site is monospaced, while the text on philomena is proportional.
I might bring this [searching for specific tag not displaying spoiler for that tag alone] back, but I am not certain how many people actually use this. It’s annoying to support, but if there is a strong demand for it I will implement it.
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