Fluttershy's Crush [possible NSFW]

Background Pony #9386
“I’m all right, Spike.” Twilight calmed down a little from the touch of her faithful helper number one. “Nothing happened, I was with Fluttershy and stayed with her for the night.” In the unicorn’s voice, Spike heard a lie, but he decided to let her talk. But the monologue did not continue.
Twilight was silent for a long moment, her eyes absorbed in thought. “Probably you are right. I told Fluttershy something I should not have said.” She smiled nervously and blushed slightly. “Maybe I should write a letter to Cadence, is she after all a princess of love?” Twilight was thinking aloud, and the little dragon saw her for the first time.
Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Applejack and Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise, with Dash sitting straight up in the couch as they blurted out in unison “She stayed the night!?” They knew this was definitely unusual for Twilight to just randomly stay over at their place, friend or otherwise. AJ grew with concern as she saw the look on Fluttershy’s face, hesitant to reach out to the dear pegasus with a consoling hoof. “Um…well, you know where this is gonna go next, being in my element and all…” the farmer started to say to her. “…but that’s mighty weird of Twilight to just crash over here. And by the look on your face, I don’t think it was much of a good night.”
“Yeah…did something happened between you two?” chimed Dash. “I mean, if you can’t talk about, it’s cool…just…” The other pegasus trailed off in her own words, scratching the back of her head as she glanced off to the side. “…kinda hard to look at ya like that.” she muttered.
It was then she happened to noticed something fuzzy and brown peaking out from under Fluttershy’s couch, gaining Dash’s attention. “Hmmm…”  

Meanwhile, Spike nearly jumped out of his own scales when he assumed what Twilight possibly told her. “Holy Celly, did you just asked her out!?” he said with a look of shock on his face. Admittedly, the dragon was being hasty in his judgement, based off the look on Twilight’s face and the mentioning of Cadence’s true talent. Still, he couldn’t come to any other conclusion at that moment, suddenly shaking his head and holding his hands up in defense. “Okay, okay - wrong question, there.” he said nervously. “Still, I can only imagine what you told Fluttershy that would require Cadence’s help.” A sudden thought crossed his mind as he scratched his own chin in thought. “Huh…what would you call that, anyway? FlutterLight? TwiShy? FlutterSparkle…?”
Background Pony #9386
“What?!” Twilight shouted. A few deep breaths and she can again think rationally. “I did not invite Fluttershy to a date! Anyway, she has a special pony…” The Twilight horn buried between the books on the shelf and her eyes closed wearily.
“Hey! Did you really think I could date Fluttershy?” She opened one eye and spoke with such familiar instructive tone, from which the dragon always felt ashamed.
Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

And indeed the dragon did felt some kind of shame within him, swallowing a lump within his throat before he spoke up. “W-well…it’s possible.” Spike said to her with a cautious tone. “I mean she really is a sweet mare when you think about it. Though, I guess that special somepony would already know.” He paused for a brief second before realizing what he just said. “Wait, Fluttershy has a special somepony? Like a secret admirer?”
Background Pony #9386
Twilight laughed in a cheerful voice. She knew her Spike too well. He did not want to offend her, but always wanted for her only the best. She embraced him with a hoof, then gently ruffled his spikes on his head.
“I’m not sure and I could not see her special pony. I mean he’s a pony, not for example a griffon or a wolf.” Twilight giggled again as she remembered something. “And I should be glad that Fluttershy will be happy. Do you think I should leave her alone for a day or two?”
Background Pony #FB82
Fluttershy huffed out a little sighed then replied, “No, not really. We didn’t fall out or nothing. Just…she invited herself over, got really drunk and irritating…I don’t know. She was just annoying me, asking lots of questions and ended up passing out downstairs. I mean, she is okay. Nothing bad happened to her.” She felt bad for telling her friends. She didn’t want them thinking Twilight was bad or that Fluttershy was making unnecessary complaints. She tillted her head down, wondering what other question Twilight was originally going to ask her, on the note, before omitting it.
Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Spike chuckled as Twilight gave him a friendly noogie to his scales, even though he was secretly sighing relief on the inside. “Heheh…yeah, just let her have her space for a while.” He told her. “If things were a little awkward, nothing mends a good friendship like an honest apology.” He hugs Twilight back in return, looking up to her with a sheepish smile. “Just don’t mention whatever you said to her that night again and things will be cool.”
Just then, a thought hit him. “Hey, speaking of cool things, anything on the agenda for us after your visit with Cadence? I think I’m up for learning more about how to use my flame in more ways!”  

Meanwhile, Applejack couldn’t help but to give Fluttershy a sincere smile after she found out the details of what happened between her and Twilight. “Awww, shucks dear…” she said to her, opting to give her a gentle hug as she pats her back with a friendly hoof. “You ain’t making her look bad, if that’s what you’re thinking. You had plans, she kinda threw a wrench in them and things went a little screwy. We can forgive that, right?” AJ chuckled suddenly as she thought about the last time Twilight was introduced to anything alcoholic. “That and she’s still learning to hold her liquor, so I can’t blame ya for being annoyed with her.”
It was then Rainbow Dash cut into the conversation, fluttering between the two of them from above. “Oh, things got more than screwy between them two last night!” There was a hint of suspicion in her voice as she wore a coy smirk on her face. “First off, what was the occasion for Fluttershy, of all ponies, setting up drinks for that night?”
AJ rolled her eyes at Dash, letting out a huff as she knew what she was up to. “A gal can’t have a little night cap every now and again?” she answered. “She’s the Element of Kindness, not the Element of Celibacy .”
“Okay, I’ll give you that one.” RD said to the farmer. “Rarity did gave all of us a bottle of that fancy stuff from Canterlot. But explain this!” Out of nowhere, Rainbow Dash had pulled out the dog costume that was hidden under the couch before the two mares’ eyes, beaming as if she caught Fluttershy red-handed. “So, my beautiful butterfly…” she said with a sly grin. “So what really went down between you and Twilight that night%?”
Applejack couldn’t give RD anymore of a deadpan look if she learned it from Clint Eastwood himself, obviously not interested in fueling this fire at all. “Reggie…Regina…Dash…” she started off. “Did ya overlook the fact Fluttershy’s a zoologist or are ya trying to confess something to us here?” The earth mare’s look was complimented with a smile that bathed in smugness.
And in turn, Rainbow Dash got a little pale…before she realized her theory got blown to bits. “Damn it, Jackie!” she exclaimed aloud before pouting. “I though we said you weren’t gonna call me that no more! A-and quit being such a good PI; that’s making me look bad…”
AJ giggled, knowing she was purpously spoiling her friend’s fun for the sake of being Fluttershy’s guest. Of course, it wasn’t intent to make RD upset in the process. “Aw, don’t take it so rough, darling%” she said to her, pulling RD close to her with a free hoof. “Just reminding ya that a good detective takes things a little slower then most. Remember that cute lil’ bee costume Fluttershy wore once?”
RD managed to brighten up as she was reminded of that moment Fluttershy had to handle a bee migration. “Oh…yeah, I can’t lie - you did make that costume look good, Shy.”
Background Pony #FB82
Fluttershy fell nervous during the convention about the alcohol. She was lucky that her friend had a good excuse for her. She felt much calmer while talking about the costume, as it was true, it was just one of her few animal costumes she uses for assisting her while communicating with animals. She pulled a shy smile. “Oh…why thank you Dashie. I put a lot of work into that one. Although I did have some assistance from Rarity.”
Background Pony #9386
“I can not return the words that have been said, Spike.” Twilight sighed sadly. “I hope Fluttershy will not take it seriously. And after my apologies our friendship will become even stronger. I still have so much to learn about friendship, maybe in the end I’ll learn another lesson of friendship? Who knows…”
At the thought of Cadence the unicorn teleported from the air a scroll with affairs for the day. For the rest of the day, Pinkie Pie planned another party. Again.
“I’m sorry, but today we can not visit the Crystal Empire, you yourself know that it is necessary to go to it for several hours.” She really did not want to upset her dragon, because she knew how Spike loved crystal ponies.
After a brief spiritual conversation, Twilight became itself. She will still make mistakes, but will continue to study friendship in all its manifestations.
Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

“That would explain it fitting the right places…” Dash thought to herself, before replying in kind. “Heheh, yeah - Rarity really knows how to dress a pony up! Speaking of, sorry for being so suspicious earlier. I waaaaasss being a ditz.” She gives Fluttershy a sheepish grin in admitting her mistake.
“You mean more than usual?” Applejack said with a chuckle, before she was met with quick jab of Dash’s elbow. “Oof! Heheh…okay, I asked for that one - I’ll stop.”
Dash playfully stuck her tongue out at AJ before she trotted off with the dog costume in hoof. “I’ll just go ahead and put this away for ya, Shy. Be right back%!” As she made her way towards the nearest closet, she happened to pass by the waste bin that held the note Twilight wrote out. The pegasus didn’t pay it any mind at first, but then intuition struck her - it might be a useful clue for later. Swiftly, Rainbow Dash snatched up the letter into one of her wings and folded it away between her feathers, being careful not to give herself away.
“Yeah, there’s nothing else here we need to do.” AJ said to her. “Unless ya need a helping hoof with somethin’, Flutters.” She sighed out as she stretched out her forelegs behind her head. “Apple Season’s a-slow commin’, I’m afraid.”

Meanwhile, Spike scratched his head in doubt as he looked over the scroll for himself. “Another party planner from Pinkie? Where does she find the energy?” The dragon had to correct himself immediately when the thought crossed his mind. “Actually, I might not want to know…regardless, if she’s in need, we’re there indeed! I’m with ya, Twilight%”
Background Pony #FB82
Fluttershy shuck her head. “These’s nothing that comes to mind. I pretty much have everything in order at the moment, thank you.” She then gasped in shame. “Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry…where are my manners. Would any of you two like any tea?”
Background Pony #9386
“And I know where Pinkie takes the energy.” Twilight loudly whispered conspiratorially. “A huge amount of sugar and…” She stopped in mid-sentence, when the pink person invaded the library and began to look out for book covers.
“Twily! You were found!” Pinkie Pie smiled broadly. “For the sake of this case, it’s not a sin to sing a song!”
“No-o-o.” The synchronous cry of two residents drowned in the song that was started.
Background Pony #FB82
“Oh, do spare them some alleviation, Pinkie Pie.” Rarity strolled in behind her. “Twilight, darling. We were worried sick. Where in Equestria were you?”
Background Pony #9386
“I…” Twilight began to speak uncertainly. Her face reflected the emotion of “leave me alone”. She looked pleadingly at Spike. “…just slept in a house… one of my friends.” She spoke carefully and waiting for Rarity reaction to her words. “I had a great night’s sleep.” Wide yawn nearly dislocated jaw unicorn. She begins to panic and hastily adds. “Do not worry, I’m fine.”
Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

“Y-yeah, they were having a sleep over!” Spike said in kind to Twilight’s words. Nevermind the fact he was feeling fluttery around Rarity at the time she entered into the room. “I mean I find it odd with Twilight just sneaking off like that, but guess she just wanted to relive her school days?” He made a nervous chuckle as he started walking towards Pinkie Pie. “A-Anyway, I heard something about you planning a party, Pinkie. How about we talk things over at your place?”
If Spike was good with one thing, it was thinking quick on his toes in order to get others away from Twilight, even if he does folly it. In this case, he didn’t had much to mess up - just keep Rarity and Pinkie Pie from bringing up more questions. “I think w-we can use your expertise on decorations as well, Rarity? You wanna come with us?”

At that time, Applejack was more than welcoming to the opportunity to relax. She hasn’t really spent much time with Fluttershy as much as she did with the other ponies when it came to her downtime. In fact, there were times she wished she got to join Fluttershy in some of her own personal adventures, just to get to see some of nature’s hidden wonders for herself. “I’d be delighted to, darling~” she said to Fluttershy with a smile.
“I’ll take some too!” said Rainbow Dash as she was trotting towards them. “I need to try something different for once. A gal can only get so far off power drinks and water!”
Background Pony #FB82
“Why of course Spike. Ugh…” She tillted her head, finding it very strange that Twilight was acting so guilty about staying the night at a friend’s house. “Say, who was this friend of yours that you stayed at? Are you sure it was just a friend?”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. “I’ll go get you two a cup full then. Be right back.” She trotted through to her kitchen and prepared the drinks. She was delighted to have some company over that wasn’t too intimidating.
Background Pony #9386
Spike almost managed to distract the mares from the conversation, but Rarity… Twilight can not escape from a direct question.
“Do you know her…” The unicorn looked away, backed away and was going to literally run away. “Just a friend?” she questioned, after thinking that she had misheard and Rarity was putting into the phrase a hidden context.
Background Pony #FB82
“Well, you are acting very cautious about this topic. Staying over at a friend’s house really isn’t that much of a big deal. You’re certainly acting like it is, as if…this friend of yours is actually closer than you’d like us to know.” Rarity’s voice then pitched up in excitement. She gasped. “Oh darling! Do you have a special somepony you’re not telling us about? I bet he’s a handsome fella. Do tell us more!” She leaned in close to Twilight’s face, loving to hear some important gossip.
Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

“We’ll be here, butterfly%” Dash called out to here as she disappeared behind the kitchen, taking her place with AJ nearby the guest table in the living room. As the two mares took their seats, Applejack was giving Rainbow Dash a coy look.
“‘Butterfly’, sug?” AJ said to her in a sly manner. “So did you decided to call her that before or after you started blushing for her?”
Dash was taking a back by AJ noticing her moments of fault when. “When did you~~!?” She had to catch herself for a moment before things got too loud. “AJ, the hay are you talking about!?” she hissed backed, hushing her voice as much as possible. “I wasn’t blushing at all! I can say the same thing about you and being so cozy with her all of a sudden!”
“I like to get cozy with everybody ~~ it’s a Apple Family tradition.” she said, folding her arms back as she leaned in the chair. “Besides, at the least I’m willing to admit I like Fluttershy in that sense. Anypony to be in her heart is a lucky pony among all of us.”
“…uuggghh, yeah I’m not gonna debate that - it’s true.” Dash sighed, as she rested her forelegs onto the table, chin in her hooves. “Fluttershy is…just…so awesome% I mean all of you girls are awesome, but Fluttershy is like a dream~”
“So what’s stopping you from asking her out?”
“What’s stopping you from asking her out?”
The two ponies looked at each other for a moment before answering each other at the same time. “Because she probably has some pony already…” Weather they knew it or not, the two mares couldn’t be any on-the-nose about Fluttershy having a crush on someone in Equestria that was the ire of her eyes. Of course, they weren’t so much curious as to who it was, seeing as they both were ruling themselves out. Or so one would thought, if they were listening in.
“…but if it was one of us…” Dash continued. “It wouldn’t stop us from being the dynamic duo that we are, right AJ?”
AJ looked to Dash with a smile, shaking her head. “I’ll admit it - getting in trouble with you sometimes do put a kick in my day. Put em’ up, partner.”
The two made a hoof bump to each other, lounging back in their spots as they waited patiently for Fluttershy to return. It was then that Dash had a sudden thought in her mind. “Erm…you think she heard us talking?” she asked to AJ.
“Weeeelllll let’s just say she didn’t and keep it cool.” AJ replied. “We don’t wanna fluster her anymore then Twilight did the other night.”
Another moment of realization kicked in for Dash - she still had the letter Twilight Sparkle written out to Fluttershy hidden under her feathers that was more telling about their night then even Twilight or Flutters would be to them. “Oh if only you knew the half, AJ.” she thought.
Background Pony #9386
Twilight jerked her head back to keep distance from Rarity’s face, which came too close. The white nose of the unicorn almost touched her nose, and she could feel the warm breathing of her friend on her face. “Do I have a special pony?” She said and continued to move back into the corner. A hard wall completely inopportunely bumped into her croup and cut off the path to escape. “I do not like in what direction our conversation went.” The horn Twilight’s lit to cast a teleportation spell. To escape with shame or try to explain misunderstandings? She chose the first.
But the magic was stopped by the touch of the hoof to her horn. Pinkie.
Background Pony #FB82
The white unicorn stood with a face of seriousness, showing no sadness, happiness, humour or any emotion. “Twilight, darling…” She backed away a little to get her space to breath. “What is going on? By how you’ve reacted, your little visit at your friends’ house was no common scenario. Something of value must have happened. You’re got to tell us about it.”

Fluttershy had finished pouring out the tea. Two cute little cups sat on the kitchen counter, warming up while the hot liquid cooled down. Her ears were peeked up as she sood still facing the tea. Her face was muted as she overheard a few things her two friends were discussing. She hadn’t heard every detail, but picked up on Rainbow Dash blushing and knowing half of something her other friend didn’t. She was extremely worried as to what that thing was. She thought that maybe Rainbow had witnessed Fluttershy and her crush together, doing who knows what. The fact that Rainbow was blushing only made Fluttershy think it must of been a very private event she saw. She stood for a while in the same position, shacking her legs for a while before calming her nerves. She sighed and got back to serving her friends the drinks. She picked up one cup by the handle with her teeth then headed back into the living room.
Fluttershy saw her friends sat together comfortably. She gave a forceful smile as best as she could while carrying the drink. Arriving beside her friends, she leaned over to a small coffee table opposite the couch. She bent down with her long fluffy tail raised and dropped down the cup. She straightened up and turned her head around to face her guests. “Here you are. Sorry for the wait…I’ll just go get the other one for you.” She forced out a grin to pretend she hadn’t heard them before. She then quickly trotted back to the kitchen, frowning awkwardly while her face was hidden from them.
Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

“Ah, there our mare of the hour%” Dash said jokingly as Fluttershy walked up to them with the first serving of tea in her maw, quite impressed with the way she was able to carry it so easily without spilling a drop. “For a moment I though you got lost back…there…”
Her words were cut short as Fluttershy leaned over the small table, placing down the cup with a gentle grace and stride…but that wasn’t the thing that was stoning her silent. When she looked up, she noticed the posture of her friend’s backside and how well it curved in between her soft pink tail that was raised quite high. It looked so soft and supple enough to sink ones hooves into that Dash could see herself falling asleep onto it. “Holy Celly, I’m going to Tartarus for this…” she thought to herself, realising she was peeping too much on Shy’s hide. “Keep it together, Dash - you just talked ab-OW!”
Applejack cut into her thought by giving Dash a swift hoof to the shoulder, causing the pegasus to clutch onto it instantly. When Dash shot the earth mare a hard look, Applejack returned it with a questionable one, her lips curled over to one side as she glanced over to the other pegasus who was standing upright. They both knew what Dash was thinking…and Dash only responded by rolling her eyes back at her.
When Fluttershy told them she was getting the other cup, they both forced a smile back at her in return. “Take your time%” they both said in unison as they watched her return to the kitchen. Again, Dash’s eyes drifted onto her friend, but not for the same scantily reasons as before. As she watched Fluttershy trot back to the kitchen, Dash picked up on how much her feathers were shaking quietly on her wings. The movement was subtle enough for no regular pony to notice, but Dash was anything but. It was after Fluttershy was gone from the room, her face falted, letting out an annoyed huff in the process.
“I didn’t punch ya that hard, did I?” Applejack asked when she heard Dash huffed out in frustration. “I know ma’ strikes then to pack a wallop, but that should be baby taps to you…”
“No, I’m fine…” Dash answered with hint of guilt in her voice. “It’s actually about Flutters again…she heard us.”
“…aw shuchs.” Now it was AJ blushing from embarrassment, her voice also filled with concern as she could only imagine how much Fluttershy heard of their conversation. “Well, how did ya notice?”
“She was shaking in her feathers.” Dash answered. “You my have not noticed it, but I did. So it’s either because of what we said or what she noticed missing…” The pegasus got up from her seat, trotting her way into the kitchen. “I better go talk to her before she gets the wrong idea.”
AJ sat up, raising a questionable brow to her as she went into the kitchen. “What she’s missing…?” she muttered to herself as she carefully picked up the tea with her own hooves, still feeling the warmth radiating from the cup. “Dash what kind of crazy stunt you pulling this time?” As she subconsciously took a sip from the cup, Applejack’s thoughts suddenly had a change of tune. “Hoo-wee that fine cup of Honeysuckle!”
When Rainbow Dash entered into the kitchen, she made sure to be subtle with her voice and motions. “Fluttershy? You can put my tea on hold for a moment…” she said to her as she quietly approached her. “We gotta talk. Because you seem a little ruffled under the feathers right now…”
Background Pony #FB82
Fluttershy turned her head around, not expecting her pegasus friend to be there. “Oh, um, w-what do you mean?” She tuned her body around and faced her normally. She took a peak at her wings and didn’t notice any different about them, although she wouldn’t as she had so much on her mind.
Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

“I mean you were nervous when you were walking away from me and AJ to get the other cup.” Dash replied. She started to look a little nervous herself as she awkwardy rubbed her own hoof through her mane. “So…let me not beat around the bush with this. How much of our talk did you hear?”
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