Cute < D’awwww < Weapons-grade Cute
well, I wish it was held to a higher standard than “screencap of a popular character, smiling” but the hive mind has spoken.
and besides, sometimes the crop is just right. pacha.meme
why wub woo is solidly cute.
I’d sneak the various
etc. tags in here a level between
~~digital audio audio audio audio audio audio audio audio audio audio audio workstation~~
looking at the picture, your mental function is compromised and you compulsively put your head in your hands and utter aloud, “d’awwww!”
or at least the realistic equivalent, similar to “lmao” meaning you felt some inward mirth and maybe exhaled. You probably save this picture, to cheer you up when you’re having a bad day.
. •
dawwww needs to be aliased into it.
"Weapons-grade cute":
health-hazardous, involuntary responses are expected reactions to looking at these pictures, inducing heart attacks from either the flood of overwhelming emotions and associated hormone signalers, or possibly, the depicted-sweetness-made-manifest in the viewer’s body, thereby giving them instant diabetes type 2.
sverre93 probably guest-lectured in the artists’ classes.
Or, more realistically, you actually do utter “d’awwww” out loud, like in the previous level’s then-exaggerated description.
Bonus level:
* is trying to murder us
. When an artist (or occasionally Hasbro/IDW/DHX) has a respected lineage of pictures of at least
-level and aspiring for
"weapons-grade cute"
whether fully achieved or not…they’re in that zone.