In the spirit of the old DB WORKSHOP, feel free to discuss anything tag related, like the creation of new tags (Background pony names for example), explanations on how to use certain tags, or any issue you think is worth talking about really. The mass deleting of a tag should always be discussed, doing so without the accord of a staff member is considered tag vandalism, and is a bannable offense.
Remember to hide spoilers for recently aired episodes and keep the debates civil.
I’mma note that now the old thread’s closed up before there was an answer, if any of the mods have some time in between to review Vinyl Fluff’s request for a new tag and give a go/no-go on it it’d be appreciated.
@Vinyl Fluff
I don’t see any issue with that tag, as long as we are clear on what it refers to.
@Vinyl Fluff
Tag is fine.
Nondescript Nipples
is now a tag. I’ll type up a description and slap it in its own thread, unless putting it here is preferred.obscured nipples
and perhaps aliasing nipple outline into that tag since obscured is more intuitive and encompassingNipple Outline
not be aliased since it implies visible clothed nipples, which is (as lots of things are) a fetish. If it gets aliased then the two would be intermingled.@Vinyl Fluff
This tag is highly unnecessary and situational. These types of nipples are usually stylistic and are intending to be visible.
And even if you argue that they could be for non furred creatures and just say “non detailed nipples.” we’re getting down to e621 levels of specifics for stylistic choices. This just isn’t needed.
@Vinyl Fluff
In that case, there would be no reason to tag it if every artist used that style for their reptiles. They would just search “reptile” or whatever we use for scalie stuff.inverted nipples aren’t in a similar wavelength. inverted nipples are an actual thing that happens in real life and isn’t just a nipple but simplified. Do you want various other tags like “Inverted Nondescript nipples?”@LightningBolt
We’re not going to start tagging eye colors and various other specifics.I’m strongly against this point because I don’t want people to start thinking they can start tagging slight stylistic usages in various pictures like “simple wings, simple ears, simple eyes etc” We’re going to get to a point where it becomes ridiculous
it would be gone probably within hours. However, there is a form of nipple there, so it should have some sort of nipple tag on it.Incorrect Eyecolor
, and specific color underwear, socks and other garments. The latter of which I’ve always found odd.Nipple Outline
, I wouldn’t be against it. My original name wasn’t perfect. Solitude and I had a short discussion where we tried to figure one out that would be appropriate but non-confusing. He brought up Nondescript Nipples
, and I really liked that because it was descriptive (heh, no pun intended) of the physical attributes or lackthereof of the subject, without risking getting it confused for another.@LightningBolt
We’re not going to start tagging eye colors and various other specifics.
I’m strongly against this point because I don’t want people to start thinking they can start tagging slight stylistic usages in various pictures like “simple wings, simple ears, simple eyes etc” We’re going to get to a point where it becomes ridiculous
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