Does a “commission” necessitate a payment? Do free requests, non-monetary compensation like a follow-to-enter-raffle, or art trades count?
I never look into the details of the commission - it’s none of my business. For me it’s a binary that works like this - after an artist has submitted a takedown request and I know the request is valid, commissions go like this:
Find all source_urls with *commission* -> tag image as commission. This includes things that are the result of auctions or YCHs, etc - even if the literal string *commission* is not present in the url.
Find all description with commission -> read description and tag as commission if appropriate. Like source_urls, look for YCHs, auctions, and other sources of commissions or paid content like personalized Patreon rewards.
If it seems the artist does commissions and commissions are the site - but are not tagged or otherwise identifiable as such, check the source to see if the info there describes it as a commission or lists a commissioner. This happens a lot with Pixiv of sometimes DA artists where the “commissioner” ends up being an “icon” on the description on this site.
Then, if commissions are found, work with the artist to see if it’s possible to preserve those on the site, or to at least make it ok for commissioners to upload their commissioned work.
If the artist is ok with commissions being exempt from their DNP or takedown, or are ok with commissioners uploading their own works, then when someone potentially violates the DNP I check the source for proof that it was a commission and that the uploader is the commissioner, and if not then I ask the uploader if it’s a commission, and then ask for proof such as a YCH result, a clear statement from the artist on their original post of the image, or something like that.
Are these answers the same when considering the commission tag vs. commissioner:-prefixed tags?
I never consider commissioner:-prefixed tags. So, no - it’s not considered.
Up until this discussion I always considered those either vanity tags or “Hundreds Of People Filter Or Watch This Tag” style tags. But looking at the volume of them on the site today, I suppose that they might give me an option for saving even more images during takedowns so I might add them to my prep work when setting up responses to DNP or takedown requests.
This is kind of like the difference between the edit
and the trace
The edit
tag is an official tag that is baked into our processes, including badges, trace allegations, and Rule #1 resolutions - so it gets referenced all the time.
But the trace
tag isn’t considered.
Despite that, there are hundreds of images tagged trace
. But it doesn’t have any “meaning” in our processes. Or, at least, the processes I work with.
Sometimes when we end up with a ‘canonical’ tag and a ‘popular’ tag like these we alias one into the other. But with the commissioner:*
tags there’s no way to do that.
2LDR: If you’re a commissioner and you want your commissioned uploads to be considered for special treatment when doing takedowns or resolving artist’s DNP requests, please make sure you’re tagging your image as a commission