General Tag Discussion

Background Pony #52BA
tagging … the prompt they used
viable or not?
No, that kind of info should go in the description.
I think these are at the same time too nebulous and too granular to be useful. A few pre-existing tags cover similar sentiments: detailed, minimalist, technically advanced (which I would hesitate to apply to AI generated images), detailed background, complex background, scenery porn, realistic
The first two at least were in use before AI art, but not by much. If people want to use them, sure, whatever - no reason for them to be unduly applied to AI generations, though.
Definitely not, lol. There are already the quality of ai art is frightening and machine learning abomination and the upvote/downvote score for anything in between.
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Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Rice pone
I was told this was the post to discuss this.
Asking about vore.
I have several complex filters set for vore tags and they don’t work. There’s over 800 images with vore, safe that show swollen stomachs, digestion, horror, and maybe quarter+ of them lacking the inside stomach tag. And I don’t have the know-how or powers to change hundreds of pics with a tag or the wrong tag.
I can’t just hide all vore tags because that rids every screenshot, implication, and sometimes things that aren’t even of the fetish at all (though current description of vore itself seems to include any and all eating or being in the mouth of something, i.e. Trixie doing her Manticore escape trick).
There also must be some kind of confusion about the tags with it; >>1124706 has had a number of tag changes over the years, switching ratings and vore and fetish being removed and added back and forth.
It’s also not just a recent issue either; I found images going back 11 years that have tagging wars regarding this topic, with even the oldest images having changes as recent as a few months ago; and admins/mods seemingly not agreeing of what even constitutes the proper rating on various images… and with 18,000 vore images, I would think that to be exhausting.
I’m not sure if I’m in a position to suggest anything, but if it’s a simple matter of several dozens, hundreds maybe, of uploaders not tagging things properly, I didn’t think it’d be efficiently possible to just gather everyone and tell them to start tagging correctly.
So, if I may, I came up with 3 different proposals:
  • In all honesty, I’m not sure why vore is even existing with Safe implications at all. The term “vore” on the Internet always and automatically implies the swallowing of [usually large/living] objects as a fetish; it’s short form for vorarephilia after all. So this suggestion is to change the tag of funny/silly/innocent non-fetish consumption to something else, and leave the vore tag to imply and define the fetish.
    This would allow all the uploaders and taggers without having to do anything but keep the tag as usual without a massive purge (or maybe not as massive).
    ^ There’s an unsexy bondage, maybe add unsexy vore?
  • (Or) Try more heavily enforcing/adding the fetish tag, and add it to hundreds of images that don’t have it. Then also, changing the rating on said hundreds of images. Maybe the current vore tag can include a description/reminder to make sure to include the fetish tag and only mark it Safe when it really truly follows the criteria.
  • (OR) Add a vore fetish tag in of itself to make a distinction with the already-existing vore tag, which would be applied to some 15,000+ images; but if it can be done and if it works best.
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110% behind changing the [expletives deleted] way vore is handled; it shouldn’t be used for anything but fetish images, and no, it is not even remotely difficult to tell the difference between fetish and non-fetish art. This is the only site I’m aware of that treats any character being in any other character’s mouth regardless of context as somehow being directly equivalent to cannibalism porn, it’s a ridiculous paradigm.
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Background Pony #52BA
@Chopsticks, @TexasUberAlles, @Dragonpone
And every time it’s brought up, there’s winds up being one of the staff replying to tell us to search for supposedly a great many past threads full of disagreements to show how impossible it is to come up with a one-size-fits-all definition of “what is vore”. Basically shutting it down by saying “we gave up a long time ago and will only continue to enforce the way it has been ever since the last time we tried.”
Yeah, I’ve got a pretty gnarly line in my complex filter dedicated to excluding vore but exempting the things that unusually count as vore on Derpi that I don’t actually mind. except that I just use “everything” because I’m more addicted to tagging than to actually appreciating pictures nowadays
I’d definitely support revisiting the rating standards and/or mass-adding the fetish tag to nearly every vore thing that isn’t a screencap.
I didn’t know inside stomach existed. Is it only for internal/x-ray views, or for external view of someone who’s stuffed, too?
By the definition, object vore should not be tagged vore, right?
But then how would people who do fetishize it find non-fetish-originated but relevant content? And “they don’t matter/they don’t need to” isn’t an option.
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Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
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Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
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Senior Moderator
Undead inside
I wish I had more to say about vore tagging other than “oh god please don’t make me judge this stuff I don’t fucking know man” but sadly I do not.
except that I just use “everything” because I’m more addicted to tagging than to actually appreciating pictures nowadays
Me since like 2014 lmao.
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So a couple times lately I’ve had to tag commission on images that already have commissioner tags. Now, I’ve always been a bit leery of commissioner tags (and I know I’m not alone on this), but they’re increasingly ingrained in the site’s tagging. I think it may be time that these tags automatically imply “commission”, in the same way that all OC tags automatically imply “oc” even though it’s generally not a listed implication under these tags.
Edit: there are many more images than I expected that are tagged with commissioner tags but not commission. In fact, they account for a majority of all images tagged with “commissioner:” (5207 out of 9539 at the time of posting).
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Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Senior Moderator
Thank you for adding commission tags on those images. That tag is considered when doing takedowns, and might be enough to save an image because we will work to save those even in the face of an otherwise valid takedown request.
The commissioner:* tags? I honestly thought there were only a couple, used so people could filter certain commissioners. So they’re not even considered.
2LDR: ‘commissioned’ is canonical and is used in our processes. The other tags are not. So it might be good if the commissioner tags implied ‘commission’. But I also do not want to lend those commissioner tags any weight or validity as a part of our processes.
Background Pony #52BA
@Litrojia, @Ciaran
Does a “commission” necessitate a payment? Do free requests, non-monetary compensation like a follow-to-enter-raffle, or art trades count?
Are these answers the same when considering the commission tag vs. commissioner:-prefixed tags?
If they’re not the same, this would influence whether an implication is appropriate or not - for example, I could imagine commission being used to identify results of business transactions, while commissioner: being extended to free requests because the tags are really just trying to identify whose head a concept came from (requester: exists, but too little to consider “a thing”)
Automatic prefix-to-implication is handled at the site code level, not data/site content level, so would have to be a feature request to the developers, not something site mods could do.
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ラ・ゼッタ - For supporting the site
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Rainbow Rocks 10th Anniversary: Sonata Dusk - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of EQG Rainbow Rocks!
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Crystal Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.

Senior Moderator
Does a “commission” necessitate a payment? Do free requests, non-monetary compensation like a follow-to-enter-raffle, or art trades count?
I never look into the details of the commission - it’s none of my business. For me it’s a binary that works like this - after an artist has submitted a takedown request and I know the request is valid, commissions go like this:
  1. Find all source_urls with *commission* -> tag image as commission. This includes things that are the result of auctions or YCHs, etc - even if the literal string *commission* is not present in the url.
  2. Find all description with commission -> read description and tag as commission if appropriate. Like source_urls, look for YCHs, auctions, and other sources of commissions or paid content like personalized Patreon rewards.
  3. If it seems the artist does commissions and commissions are the site - but are not tagged or otherwise identifiable as such, check the source to see if the info there describes it as a commission or lists a commissioner. This happens a lot with Pixiv of sometimes DA artists where the “commissioner” ends up being an “icon” on the description on this site.
Then, if commissions are found, work with the artist to see if it’s possible to preserve those on the site, or to at least make it ok for commissioners to upload their commissioned work.
If the artist is ok with commissions being exempt from their DNP or takedown, or are ok with commissioners uploading their own works, then when someone potentially violates the DNP I check the source for proof that it was a commission and that the uploader is the commissioner, and if not then I ask the uploader if it’s a commission, and then ask for proof such as a YCH result, a clear statement from the artist on their original post of the image, or something like that.
Are these answers the same when considering the commission tag vs. commissioner:-prefixed tags?
I never consider commissioner:-prefixed tags. So, no - it’s not considered.
Up until this discussion I always considered those either vanity tags or “Hundreds Of People Filter Or Watch This Tag” style tags. But looking at the volume of them on the site today, I suppose that they might give me an option for saving even more images during takedowns so I might add them to my prep work when setting up responses to DNP or takedown requests.
This is kind of like the difference between the edit and the trace tag.
The edit tag is an official tag that is baked into our processes, including badges, trace allegations, and Rule #1 resolutions - so it gets referenced all the time.
But the trace tag isn’t considered.
Despite that, there are hundreds of images tagged trace. But it doesn’t have any “meaning” in our processes. Or, at least, the processes I work with.
Sometimes when we end up with a ‘canonical’ tag and a ‘popular’ tag like these we alias one into the other. But with the commissioner:* tags there’s no way to do that.
2LDR: If you’re a commissioner and you want your commissioned uploads to be considered for special treatment when doing takedowns or resolving artist’s DNP requests, please make sure you’re tagging your image as a commission.
Background Pony #7C7A
I didn’t know inside stomach existed. Is it only for internal/x-ray views, or for external view of someone who’s stuffed, too?
The image of a stuffed belly does not show the inside of a stomach, nor someone/something being inside the stomach. It just shows a stuffed belly, so I’d tag that, not what’s inside.
A border case would be something like a snake having an exaggerated, cartoonish and easily recognizable outline of a swallowed object visible from outside. IDK what to do in that case. I think I’d still omit the “inside stomach” tag, but it’s debatable.
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It seems to me that most “commissioner:” tags are added by the uploader/commissioner themselves, I assume for either their own organizational purposes or to take partial credit for the image. I imagine some do get good use for filtering though, if there’s a running theme that individual tags don’t quite capture.
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Background Pony #52BA
I believe that user was just trying to give an explanation for the musician and song/meme (and abbreviations) that were being discussed, and suggesting that searching on Baidu, Bilibili, or Bing China would yield more results - not making a suggestion for those search engines to become tags.
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Background Pony #7C7A
It seems that another site imported an image from Derpibooru and then Derpibooru imported it back? Or maybe someone is synchronizing tags between two sites but forgot to exclude certain tags?
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