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In case someone wants to make their own spoiler images for certain tags, this is about the template used. Colour at will.
not provided yet
I recommend buying a previous version of Adobe Creative Suite from ebay. Then, use the serial number included in the package to get a new one from Adobe’s web site. This worked for me.
Oh, ok. The image’s page dimensions are set to match what you see above, that central square. The rest of the stuff is outside the “canvas.” Assuming you’re opening it in Inkscape (which is a free, open source program), you just go to file > export, select the “page” option, enter the dimensions you want to export it as in the “image size” section, choose a name & location to save it, and then click export.
The square in the middle of the template.
The one where the character image goes.
Which square? Not sure what you mean.
Does the square in the svg disappear after saving the image as a png?
DejaVu Sans
So that’s how the template works, huh…lemme try…
Adobe Illustrator is also part of some of the CS2 and CS3 bundles floating around out there for free, and it’s the vector-based counterpart to Photoshop.
…Fsck Adobe forever with their “creative cloud” garbage, by the way; they are one of THE most institutionally ignorant companies that has ever existed, like if Apple were permanently stuck in the pre-iPod era.
oh so it is free, first ive ever heard of this program, ive, gimp, the photoshop remake of gimp, photoshop cs2, cs3 and elements 13.
ill try out this inkscape also maybe this firescape someone mentioned.
Is there any reason you can’t just install Inkscape? It’s free.
The text is an object in its own layer.
Wish another studio came along and became the big dog instead of having to use photoshop or the severely outdated gimp.
Yeah, I assumed just as much.
Note that you have to actually click the “download” link above to get the SVG version.
Oh! I see. Jumped to a conclusion that it was some-form of JPG or something.
ignore me and my shenanigans.