Some locations not identified yet:
Changeling hive
Saddle Arabia
Maretonia (?)
Mount Vehoovius
Marapore, Ponypeii, Lusitano
Gargoyle & Centaur lands
Zebra lands
Embedded >>1502317 in the SVG and included text objects as a hidden layer so this can be updated in the future once we get names for the southern reaches.
Let me know if I missed anything.
Font is Sherwood, in case you’re curious.
Sorry for the late reply, that makes much more sense
Actually, according to the movie’s tie-in prequel novel “The Stormy Road to Canterlot”, Tempest’s village is located near Canterlot. Even though the buildings do resemble the ones in Ponyville and the Farthest Reaches as well as the ones in Canterlot as seen in the movie.
The Tenochtitlan Basin is still shown in the Forbidden Jungle on the map.
Well, according to the tie-in prequel novel to the film, Tempest’s village is located near Canterlot. Even though the buildings look very similar to the ones seen in Ponyville and the Farthest Reaches.
That’s the root of my gripes with the final three seasons of FiM: it felt like the ending of the show took the writers by surprise. It would have been heavenly if they had alluded to some of these places in earlier seasons and then let them pay off with direct exploration during The Movie (2017) and the final seasons.
Yeah. That’s because Capper doesn’t want Twilight to be captured or stoned by Tempest and taken back to Equestria which is under the ruler ship of the Storm King. So he did tricked them that they headed east of Klugetown to seek help from an unknown ruler of Black Skull Island instead of down south of Klugetown to seek help from Queen Novo.
The Changeling Hive is possibly located southwest of Equestria which is too close to the Bone Dry Desert.
It was south of the Forest of Leota which is south of the Appaloosan Mountains which is south of the Macintosh Hills.
Froud Valley?
Is possibly southwest between the borders of Froud Valley and Bone Dry Desert.
Well, since “Casabronco” is a pony pun to “Casablanca” and “Maretonia” is a pony pun to either “Macedonia” or “Estonia”, I believe that Maretonia was located southeast of the Griffon Continent and north of Anugypt while Zecora’s homeland was above the Dragon’s Lair/Dragon Lands. Since the Dragon Lands and Kirin Grove and the Lost Lagoon are part of an Africa like continent. Of course, Saddle Arabia, Maretonia, Zecora’s homeland, and the Dragon Lands are technical places beyond Equestria and they’re territories of Equestria.
Well, since “Saddle Arabia” is a pony pun to “Saudi Arabia” and “Hoofington” is a pony pun to either “Huffington” or “Huntington”, I believe that Saddle Arabia is above Abyssinia while Hoofington is northeast of Manehattan and south of Starlight’s cave. Since the biggest city called Huntington was the biggest being in New York.
Where’s Zecora’s homeland?
The Undiscovered West isn’t retconned out because after the season 5 premiere and possibly the rest of season 5 aired on TV, the makers of the season 5 premiere did not know that Equestria has the Undiscovered West.
I guess Tempest’s village was located near Canterlot according to the second part of the movie prequel which is entitled, “The Stormy Road to Canterlot.”
No. It is canon! This map is located below the Macintosh Hills and above the Bone Dry Desert because this map you’re talking was hard to fit between the Macintosh Hills and the Bone Dry Desert.
The city was real and it was possibly located east of Manehattan.
Possibly east of Manehattan.
It was southwest of Equestria.
oh nvm