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Fanfiction » Winte´s Fed Up NSFW » Post 9

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7750

Fanfiction » NSFW 9 years and S9 finale party RWD » Post 32

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Rainbow Dash was together with a crowd of ponies in Twilights treehouse under the opening of an annual one day film festival with Spike as film operator, and the biggest Blockbusters from each city and country last year. The crowd of ponies they watched one of the adult festival movies was Cutie Mark Crusader Appreciation Day that took place by an crowded banners and balloon decorated Ponyville Town Hall with Gabby, Terramar, Big Mac, Sugar Belle, Mayor Mare and many more. As Gabby brushed a creaking golden, thick, round, shiny, clear balloon she got at the party against Big Mac’s butt, flank static hair and cheeks for 6 hours non stop was the horse feeling the static balloon rub against his hair, flank, butt and cheeks. The horse and the bird was then grabbing the for golden, thick, round, shiny, clear balloon 3 hours.

Fanfiction » The perfect name for the perfect villain in my story. Change my mind! » Topic Opener

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Creative entertainer!
Orias Augustus Sparkle is the perfect name for my season 10 villain.
In religious texts, Orias is a high-ranking demon responsible for teaching astrology and the study of stars. I can’t think of a better name.
In his final god form (Elder Alicorn,) He is known as Orias Morningstar. In my story, Celestia and Luna are treated as Elder Alicorns because of their long age.
Cadence, Flurry, and Twilight are all alicorns, yes, but not elder alicorns. Orias boosted himself to the status of elder faster in his transformation because, after the final war, he absorbs all the other twelve essences from each of his fallen vessels—Some of those vessels being alicorns.
However, this transformation wasn’t perfect for Orias. It was a forced amalgamation, with Orias simultaneously compelling all twelve essences into his body. Once a living creature, each essence retained its biases and was aware of Orias’s manipulation. This, along with Celestia’s final assault, sets the stage for Orias’s eventual downfall.
And the biggest kick to his ego was that he felt like he cheated death and won.
In contrast to Twilight, Orias is a character filled with sadness and pity, a stark reflection of Twilight’s opposite. He embodies the actual antithesis of Twilight in every way, serving as a chilling reminder of the perils of a life devoid of love.
Twilight, growing up, was always raised with love; she had parents who could guide her in the right direction, but Orias did not—his parents left him at Archmage Starswirl’s doorstep and seemingly abandoned him.
Although not evil, this Starswirl did not understand how to be a parent; he was a mage for their kingdom. He was sadly unable to prevent Orias from seeking power.
And then, because Orias sought the darkness fostered by Grogar, he became too powerful for the royal family to put him down for good—they had no choice but to attempt a sealing on him, even if it got botched and he went to Equestria rather than his intended destination.
…Oopsie poopsies.

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7749

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7748

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7747

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7746

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7745

Fanfiction » A possible script for mt Season 10 story. » Post 1

Fanfiction » A possible script for mt Season 10 story. » Topic Opener

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Creative entertainer!
For a sample script, how would this look for a defeat on a vessel:
Mean Twilight’s Demise:
The ground around Twilight, Hero, and Friends trembled violently as this epic battle raged on; the struggle for supremacy cast a veil of uncertainty over the outcome. Mean Twilight charged her beam, met with a defiant response from Twilight. “Your end is near, insignificant creatures,” Mean Twilight taunted, deftly evading Twilight’s counterattack, leaving both mares locked in a tense standoff.
Twilight’s beam rebounded from one of the chiseled walls of the stone arena, hitting Mean Twilight squarely on her chest. Her body was thrown to the ground roughly, and she felt a hole through her chest. A pillar of dark, ethereal aura rose from her body, and she felt death approaching. “Is this… the end? Am I… dying?”
“Mean. I know you were only doing what Orias wanted. But you know he was only using you, right?” Parts of Mean’s body began to dry up and crumble like sand as her body began to collapse; she groaned from the pain as she tried to stand up to fight but just fell back pathetically and accepted her end.
“I knew I was just a pawn the moment I was slated for this war—I was aware of how expendable I was to him.” Mean sighed, melancholy laced in her tone; she tried to cover up the hole in her chest using her forehooves, but then those felt numb as they, too, crumbled. “The better me has won—all I was was a fabrication—everything about me from whence Chrysalis created me was false.”
“Mean… I’m sorry about what happened to you. I’m sorry that you couldn’t be your own person.” Twilight tries to console her fallen foe as she leans down to listen to Mean’s final words.
“I tried to run from that ignoble truth—that I’m a fraud. I held such contempt for those who would call me fake. I was brought into this world to be your foil. Funny, that was true in multiple ways.”
“But why did you choose to fight us if you knew that Orias had betrayed you?” Twilight saw more than half of Mean’s body crumbling away as she breathed lightly.
“I wanted to prove to myself that I could be worth something, that I could be the real Twilight, even if that were a farce.” Mean then closes her eyes after wishing the genuine Twilight goodwill.
“I never believed you were as bad as Orias; I knew you had some good in you somewhere. Goodness is a genuine thing, Mean.”
“The real one wins—as it should be. There is only room for one Twilight Sparkle—” She paused as she continued, “—You have to stop him; you have to stop Orias from ascending to godhood. If he succeeds, everything will change in Equestria.”
After that last utterance of words, there was silence as her body faded entirely into dust as that dust flew in the breeze. “Goodbye. Mean Twilight.”

Fanfiction » NSFW 9 years and S9 finale party RWD » Post 31

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Rainbow Dash was together with a crowd of ponies in Twilights treehouse under the opening of an annual one day film festival one morning in March with Spike as film operator, and the biggest Blockbusters from each city and country last year. The crowd of ponies they watched Rainbow Dash´s two hour long black and white indie silent movie Clousdale Weather Team from Fillydelphia and Cloudsdale that was in competiton with other movies from all over Equestria. One of the adult festival movies was under the CMC day camp advertising in Ponyville as Applejack was in Bic Mac’s
room that very early morning the day after the sleepy drunk horse got a flu for a week. As Applejack brushed a creaking a golden, creaking, large, round, shiny, clear, creaking, printed CMC balloon she got earlier at the CMC day camp advertising against Big Mac’s butt, flank static and messy hair and cheeks for 6 hours non stop was the sleepy horse feeling the static balloon rub against his hair and cheeks. Applejack and the horse that laid in bed was with their hooves then grabbing the large, round, golden, very shiny, very clear printed balloon for 3 hours.

Fanfiction » The Diary of Countess Sweet Bun: Armistice Day » Topic Opener

Countess Sweet Bun - For supporting the site
Countess Sweet Bun - For supporting the site
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
Gold Supporter - Gold Supporter
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

NLR's Mom
Today is a special day here in America as the total solar eclipse sweeps across a portion of the nation. I made my way to the path of totality to see it’s beauty and when I thought of the date it reminded me again of the Event. The War of the Sisters. With it’s end being midnight on April 8th, that became a sort of Armistice Day for both factions in the fun little April Fools Day competition. And as the Event ended in stories and roleplay with an eclipse, how fitting that a year later an actual eclipse happens.
And so I write this as a small tribute to one of the best weeks in Derpibooru history. Nothing to deep or complex. Please enjoy!

This place was once a battlefield.
I can still see it sometimes. The smoke rising through the air, ponies and creatures of all shapes and sizes clashing blades and launching every manor of spell they could think of at their fellows. Historic buildings reduced to rubble, trees and grass burned into ashen mud. The smell of blood in the air. Tartarus come to life, all while the eldritch eye of the moon blocks out the last warmth of the sun overhead.
With the end of the war on what came to be known as Armistice Day, it became a memorial to those who fought to their last breaths for their vision of a better Equestria. Overtime the mud turned to grass, the ruins left standing covered in mosses and ivy. In the center was a statue. Ponies, Thestrals, Changelings, all with hooves raised holding the Flag of Equestria. At it’s base was a pedestal adorned with the emblems of the New Lunar Republic and the Solar Empire made from the purest of gems. Between them a plaque read in gold letters:
In Memory of Those Who Served
Those Who Have Fallen
And Those Who Rose In Unity
April 1st - April 7th
I left a bundle of flowers at it’s base, a bouquet of roses, colored midnight blue and white. Among them a single red rose. A sign of respect for those I called enemies, allies and friends. It felt right to come in my full Night Guard armor, to have my Lunar Guardian badge pinned to it, and the tatered flag of unity drapped across my back. No be without it when paying my respects this day felt wrong, like a dishonor to those who lived those tragic days.
I turned my head to the sky as night seemed to fall around me. The last vestiges of Bailey’s Beads glimmered off the edge of the moon as totality once again engulfed the landscape.
I had no fear this time. There were no screams, no sounds of war, no flash of Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker’s skyshattering fight above me. Just the sounds of cheering, of lovers kissing, of little foals laughing and oooing at the spectacle. This wasn’t the eclipse of war, but an eclipse of unity.
In the moments of totality I thought of the creatures I now think of as family. Members of the Night Terrors, one of Twilight’s bodyguards, Celestia’s personal advisor, the squadron of plane-pony-cat hybrids that soared through the skies. I think of those who I met in passing. The Red General, the sneaky Rat who defected, the valiant Grey knight who came to sing the song of Unity despite being on the opposite side in that conflict. I think of those who stayed behind to keep the logistical sides of the world running while we fought on the front. I think of those who came and went, those who threw down their weapons, and those who fell in those dark days. All of us heroes in our own rights.
The moment is fleeting, the song of Unity still ringing in my head as the Diamond Ring overtakes the skies and sunlight floods the world again. Where on that horrid day the sun stayed Eclipsed for nearly the full day, this one barely lasted 3 minutes.
I gave a breif bow to the statue as the ponies around cheered. I knew they were cheering for the sun’s return, but in that moment they sounded like the cheers as the battles came to their end and life could be rebuilt. Maybe one day mine will be fully rebuilt as well.
For now though, I have a mansion of hungry mouths waiting on me. Sleep well, little book.
~The Diary of Countess Sweet Bun
1 Year After the War

Addendum Note: We are not sure how this new page and entry was added to the diary. It and the flag have been sealed behind glass since they were donated. No one at the Eclipse Viewing at Memorial Park remeber seeing a pony in guard attire there. Countess Sweet Bun has not commented on this addition. Curious.
~Written Record
Curator, Department of History
Canterlot Royal Archives.
Curator’s Log 3487

Fanfiction » Cadance and Logic's meeting (NSFW) » Topic Opener

Fanfiction » rated R (NSFW » Post 1

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Rainbow Dash was together with a crowd of ponies in Twilights treehouse under the opening of an annual one week film festival with Spike as film operator, and the biggest Blockbusters from each city and country. The crowd of ponies they watched Rainbow Dash´s two hour long black and white indie silent movie Clousdale Weather Team from Fillydelphia and Cloudsdale that was in competiton with other movies from all over Equestria. The movie to end the festival one week later was called A Pony Called Soike about the Birthday of Spike in Twilights cake, balloon and banner decorated treehouse as the amphibian got a gem. Then was Spike brushing an star shaped, shiny, clear and big yellow balloon against Twilight´s horn and static hair for two hours.

Fanfiction » Looking for Fic/fic reading » Topic Opener

Artist -
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).

So the plot is RD is stuck in a time loop reliving the same day over and over again and accidently brings Twi in the loop who is her gf btw. I can’t find it anywhere and I’d greatly appreciate the help, thank you!

Fanfiction » Days of Summer Part 1 & 2 [NSFW] » Post 62

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Human Principal Cinch was at Rainbow Dash Birthday in a crowded Ponyville. There was a lot of balloons and banners. Human Principal Cinch was getting an very thick, shiny, very large Rainbow Dash helium balloon on a string at the party and Principal Cinch was rubbinng the very thick, shiny, very large Rainbow Dash helium balloon between its legs for 4 hours non stop in the pony crowd.

Fanfiction » Days of Summer Part 1 & 2 [NSFW] » Post 61

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Bright Mac and Pear Butter had their wedding in the decorated Sweet Apple Acres with Ozzie possum and Mayor Mare. Bright Mac and Pear Butter had their wedding in the decorated Sweet Apple Acres with Ozzie possum and Mayor Mare as Bright Mac was kissing his bride with a pink balloon between their lips for 5 minutes from the balloon decorations as the rodent was brushing the balloon. Then was the three ponies and the vermin grabbing the balloon for 50 minutes in the acres.

Maud Pie had her little Birthday surprise party by the banners and balloon decorated Ponyville towns hall and many of the ponies got some round and yellow ballons, as there was an Maude Pie was an cardboard cutout in the crowd.

Fanfiction » Winte´s Fed Up NSFW » Post 8

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Nearly all of Equestria they was at the crowded battle against Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow on a crowded field. An army of horned equines had made a very thick, very large, very shiny and very clear and hard plastic bubble. Silverstream was scared of the large bubble so the bird wondered what that round soft thing was and was giving the very thick, very shiny and very clear and hard plastic bubble shield a 5 minute beak massage as the scared bird felt the soft bubble body brush against her beak. Smolder was also brushing the very thick, very shiny and very clear and hard plastic bubble shield wit her two horns for 5 minutes.
It was under the final battle against Lord Tirek, Queen Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. An army of unicorns had made a very thick, very shiny and very clear and hard plastic bubble shield under the crowded battle. Nervous Terramar that was afraid of balloons was giving the very thick, very shiny and very clear and hard plastic bubble shield a 10 minute beak massage as the bird felt the soft bubble body brush against his beak as the bird rubbed himself under the legs too. As Princess Ember was brushing the very thick, very shiny and very clear and hard plastic bubble shield for 10 minutes was Terramar rubbing the hot and hard back scales on the female and winged alligator for 10 minutes.

Fanfiction » Summer Gone NSFW » Post 3

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd

Minka was at the Birthday for Fluttershy in the yellow and round balloon decorated sanctuary. Fluttershy, Dr. Fauna, the monkey artist, some koalas and some raccoons they was grabbing an yellow and round balloon for four hours. Fluttershy then got an four hour balloon hair massage by a raccoon with a yellow and round balloon.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 376

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Discord was together with Tree Hugger at the crowded gala in Canterlot as there was banners and balloons. Discord then gave the pony an 3 hour balloon hair massage with the star shaped, creaking and blue balloon as the pony felt the soft balloon brush against her static hair. Then was the pony and the worm grabbing the balloon for 2 hours.

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 375

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd

Discord was together with Tree Hugger at the crowded gala in Canterlot as there was banners and balloons. Tree Hugger gave balloon scared Discord a 3 hour balloon horn massage with a star shaped, creaking and blue balloon as the scared worm felt the soft balloon brush against his horns. Then was the pony and the worm grabbing the balloon for 2 hours.

Fanfiction » Pipp and Hitch vs. Chad Elijah and Chandler [NSFW] (Part 2) » Topic Opener

Artist -

Yuu Rezbian Mii Tuu! XD
Previously due to word limits
Me: We can go right now, give you something to moan and groan about.
This episode
Opaline: Hmhmhm, let’s make good on our little exchange~ fire starts blazing as Elijah pushes Sunny out of the way
In the ring
Hitch: Why must we do this?
Chad Me: We meet again, Master Trailblazer.. One shall stand, One shall fall.. Everything about you screams, “I peaked in highschool.” Sees Sprout snickering And Sprout Cloverleaf, heard a lot about you; I know you ain’t laughing. How you gonna start an army in your hometown and get shutdown faster than Team Rocket? Go back to your realm and cry to your Mommy cause Posey ain’t gonna put up with that. Red Airhead lookin’ a__ boi. XD Sprout leaves Where you goin’? I see them Adidas, those big a__ Adidas, get yo a__ outta here. Back to you, Hitch; Where did you get your style and uniform from, F.R.I.E.N.D.S., Footloose, Beverly Hills Cop, Sweet Valley High? You can’t lecture me about sh- Hitch socks him in the jaw Heheh, I was hoping you won’t go full feminist over a little joke to see how sensitive you are.
Hitch: Shut the buck up and fight, you fake a__ Shang Tsung!
Chad Me: As you wish, but you won’t last long.. Master. Mirror Match ability activated changing his style to match Hitch’s
Hitch is too shocked to move
Chad Me: What’s the matter, scared?
🎶Go get your guns and your switchblade knives and cut it up🎶
Hitch uses Plant Whip
Evil Elijah uses Bone Spikes, his Power Sweatbands allow him to use the move without needing to set up
Hitch avoids the attack but the spikes remain, he uses uses Ninjutsu Puncture
🎶And kill the ones who speak if they speak of us because they’ll never really tame us🎶
Evil Elijah uses Telekinesis making Hitch levitate
Hitch: defends himself while thinking He’s bleeding a lot, he might faint from blood loss after this turn.
Evil Elijah waits and greatly reduces his bleeding and regains some HP
🎶 You’re so outta control, said, you’re so outta control; You gotta be more in control, you gotta be more in control(X4)🎶
Hitch uses Ninjutsu Puncture again but Evil Elijah kounters with Quick Time Event before he can hit reducing Hitch’s speed then punished him with Ultra-Violent Swing, knocking him into the spikes making the crowd roar.
Zipp: HITCH!
Shang Tsung: chuckles and claps Finish him!
Zipp: NO, PLZ!
Izzy: DON’T DO IT!
Hitch: feeling the spikes digging into him AAAAAH- blood starts dripping from his mouth
Chad Me: makes the spikes go back in the ground You’re a good opponent, Hitch. We’ll fight again another day.
Shang Tsung: Mercy!
Zipp: rushes to Hitch to heal him You ok, Hitch? Wraps her shirt around him
Hitch: I’ll be fine.. holds her hand
Chad Me: Don’t expect me to hold back next time.
Meanwhile in Whispy Woods
Pipp and Chandler clash after he turns into his super form
Pipp: Stay away from me, and my sister!
Chandler: In this form, you, Zipp and your mother are my pets. I’m not longer bound to the laws of physics or reality, for I am Super Chris Chan!
Pipp slaps him with her wing then backhands him to knock him back, Sonichu and Chandler sharpen their tennis rackets. Pipp positions her to show her fans who she’s fighting behind her, Mistress Haven pulls her whip out and lashes the ground as a warning.
Pipp charges at Chandler and have their own fight
Sonichu: Mistress Haven.. wolf whistles Now I see why Pipp and Zipp are so sexy~
Haven: Flattery gets you nowhere, darling. Wings spread for battle
Sonichu uses Electro Ball
Haven deflects the balls using Counter Shield then Dual Wing beat
Pipp uses Feather Gattling
Chandler uses Full Counter sending Pipp’s sharpened feathers right back to her but she dodges
Sonichu uses Shock Prison, trapping Haven
Chandler uses Shockwave but Pipp’s Franklin Badge reflects it
Pipp uses Heavy Glide making Chandler flinch
Alphabittle is blushing watching Haven fight from the audience
Pipp: notices the cameras This fight’s being broadcast.~ makes a sexy face to the audience
Chandler’s Racket: floats behind Pipp then sends her flying forward with a slam to her back YADA~ smacks her around YAMETE! UH- UUHUH~, UH UH-
Haven whips Chandler’s Racket away and picks it up
Pipp: Thanks Mom! Flies to a safe spot to rest
Haven: I’ll hold them off, Pipp. Regain your energy! Looks at Chandler Not so super without your racket now, are you Chandler?
Chandler: laughs and slowly claps I wouldn’t be claiming victory so soon if I were you, Mistress Haven. :3
Haven: Why not, Chandler?
Chandler: These hands will do a better job at subduing Pipp than the racket. I knew you’d save your daughter and you fell right into my trap. RACKET LINK!
Haven: Ah- starts panting Why am I suddenly aroused?~
Chandler: That’s the power of Tennis, your bf Alphabittle is probably gonna record this to jerk to at night. Now if you’ll excuse me.. PIPP PETALS, PREPARE FOR THIS MANNY HANDY! pursues Pipp MAMI EL NEGROOOOO, DALE DALE!
Sonichu: Now that our rackets are linked, smiles deviously while charging a magnum Electro Ball prepare to moan like you never moaned before.
Haven: A-Alphie~ Help meeeeee~💞💞💞💞
Sonichu: Well Queen Haven, whether you’re ready for these back shots or not.. throws the ball in the air then strikes it hard ECCHI SHIYOU!
Haven: swings AAAAH~❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sonichu: yells like Link HYAAAH!
Haven moans harder and louder with every swing as Shock Prison keeps zapping her and lowering her speed then paralyzed her on the last trapping turn
Haven: moans as the paralysis takes hold of her Mmmph~❤️❤️❤️
The Electro Ball hits Haven making her wet herself
Haven: I-I just got this for Alphabittle.. You’ll p-pay for this crime~ A-aaahhh~❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chandler: whispers Hantaiiii, Waifuu~
Pipp: to herself Ew, why did I chase this creep and get Mom involved? Could’ve just listened to Zipp and let that be our problem.. But no, now Mom is playing Tennis for her life..
The cameras blast Supermoves by Overseer
Chandler: Come out the closet, Pipp.~ Can’t hide forever~ uses Sacred Saber (Mental)
Pipp: throws her garter in his direction then flies up and uses Feather Dance to tire him out Why did I keep this move for this weeb? Uses Kirrah Pecha while Chandler was distracted and he falls in love with Pipp
Chandler: Hmmmmmm.. does a familiar stance as Pipp notices a Sonic Kunai coming out of his palm
Pipp makes a shocked face as she slowly backs away
Kunai: So what do you do? First, you say, “YES, give me more, Daddy~” and then you-
Chandler: extends his hand out COME-
And that’s how Pipp got captured, she came on camera in front of everyone; Mwah, good night everybody. No? Fine, I’ll drag it out cause you want more Pipp. You actually thought that’s how it ended?
Kunai: So what do you do? First, you say, “YES, give me more, Daddy~” and then you-
Chandler: extends his hand out COME HERE! The Kunai and chain follows Pipp
Pipp: HOLY BUCK! “She flies around the trees in the forest to draw the chain to its end*
Haven: Shed Skin heals her paralysis Finally, free of Shock Prison and paralysis-
Pipp: MOM, RUN!
The chain wraps around Haven’s wings
Hitch: We have to help them! Starts running
Zipp: Hitch, wait-
Hitch: I’m healed enough, let’s go!
Alphabittle: I’m coming! follows then backtracks as the screen shows the chain tying Haven’s hindlegs spread and her forelegs together I’ll catch up.. face turns red Noice~ approaches the screen
Haven: Alphabittle, if you’re done wackering.. You can help me now, plz~
Haven hears someone yelling “GET OFF THE SCREEN YOU SICKO!” and “DON’T LICK THE SCREEN!”
Zipp: drags Alphabittle by his ear Ok, hard d_ck.. Let’s go..
Haven: groans One set of bondage for another..
Sonichu: sees the chain around him as well Pipp, you are a clever girl.. I can’t move either. Shrugs
Chandler: GET OVER HERE!
The chain chases Pipp around 1 more tree and drags Chandler forward 3 steps showing its end
Kunai: Most important, you build.. that body, you practice.. that body, you work.. that body, work.. that body, be sure you don’t hurt.. Nobody.
Chandler: I SAID, pulls the Kunai and chain back to him GET THE BUCK OVER HERE!
Pipp runs further away as Chandler follows, Haven and Sonichu are sent spinning and staggering after being untied
Alphabittle: BABE! sees Sonichu on top of Haven LEAVE MY QUEEN ALONE! Gets him off of her and knocks him out Haven.. hugs her tight
Haven: My sweet prince, Alphie~ hugs back
Alphabittle: Are you still mad at me for-
Haven: I can’t stay mad at you, you made up for it by saving me. I don’t want to think about what that hedgehog would’ve done if his stagger wore off before mine. Snuggles But, next time.. Do that in a private setting.
They kiss
Hitch, Zipp, Izzy, Shantae, Rarity and the audience: AAAAWWWWWWWWWWW
Back at the Kolosseum
Opaline: Give up yet? I thought dinosaurs were stronger than dragons.. Are you in love with the earth pony now, is that why you’re holding back?
Me: I let you beat me up on purpose.. gets up When I use Execution at 1 HP.. eyes dilate as I get Reptile’s voice I ALWAYSSSS AIM FOR THE NECK!
Elijah lunges at Opaline but Shao Khan hammers his ribs from underneath sending him flying back like Piccolo after being socked by Cell
Shao Kahn: sees Sunny and Misty get in front Save your energy. You should too, Opaline. Walks away with Opaline
Misty and Sunny check on Elijah to see if he’s ok
Me: I’ll be fine..
Misty: You’re hurt! Bandages my chest
Sunny: Poor baby, come here *hugs me and snuggles” You’ll be ok-
Pipp: feels Chandler hit her in the back with his racket then cuff her hands behind her back with one arm over and the other under after returning to human form from exhaustion NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Sunny, Misty and Elijah rush toward her scream
Zipp: Pipp?
Haven and Alphabittle: Oh no..
Hitch: PIPP!
Further in the forest, Chandler opens a portal on a boulder
Music: Requiem For a Dream (Lux Aeterna)
Pipp: screaming HEEEEELLLP! Struggles
Chandler puts one hand in Pipp’s pants and the other up her shirt while dragging her toward the portal
Pipp: screams louder while resisting LET ME GOOOOOOOOOOO!
The whole group pulls up
Hitch and Zipp: STOP!
Me: You’re a coward, Chandler! Where do you think you’re taking Pipp with that MS Paint lookin’ a__ portal?
Chandler: I once again hereby exercise my right to EDP; I’ll eat… Zipp’s! (Lol, wrong sister; He already tried Zipp and failed. I’m not editing that out, I’m keeping that in. XD) I’ll eat… Pipp’s!
Zipp: If it’s me you’re after, I’ll go with you in my sister’s place.. I won’t fight you.
Hitch: stops her No Zipp, you mean too much to me to be in his possession again. She blushes Chandler, I’ll take you on in Pipp’s place!
Chandler: Worry not about your dear friends, Master Hitch Trailblazer; As far as Zipp and Pipp are concerned, I’m just simply switching up positions.. Just like I promised.
Music: Intro to Positions by Arianna Grande sped up
Chandler puts his hand in Pipp’s shirt over her mouth and drags her into the portal
The portal closes
Sunny, Izzy and Misty: PIPP!
Haven: cries into Alphabittle’s chest My poor daughter..
Alphabittle: We’ll save her, I promise.
Zipp: NOOOOO! hits the ground I was supposed to protect my sister..
The group turns to Elijah for any strategy to save Pipp
Me: He used a portal.. I can’t provide further assistance.. I’m sorry. I’m now institutionalized since we lost Pipp.. That was the deal with Hitch.
My mind: Oh, NOW you shut up; The 1 time they actually need your help, you have nothing to say.. X_X
Hitch: I’m sorry too. Pulls out the muzzle
Zipp: Hitch, wait.. Don’t muzzle him yet. Gets up Here’s a new deal, help me save Pipp and we’ll drop the charges and bounty from Maretime Bay to Zephyr Heights. Plz, Pipp has said nothing but great things about you. I know you can still help us.
Hitch: If you know Outworld, this is your chance to prove it. I won’t muzzle you if you can give us a lead. If we can beat Chandler, we can save Pipp and bring back Spike and Sparky.
Me: I only know 1/5 of it since my universe was merged. Shantae and I have very limited knowledge when it merges like this..
Shantae: Elijah, you’re a sniffer.. Right?
Me: Yeah.. Why do you ask?
Shantae: holds a torn garter near me This is Pipp’s battle torn garter, smell it.
Zipp: You know more about Chandler than any of us on this team.
Izzy: Without the Pikachu Sonic, he has no way to fend off other attackers.. I should’ve been the one he kidnapped cause I studied him during the whole fight. There also maybe Sonichu disguises to make us fit right in.
Me: sniffs Pipp’s garter and smells Chandler’s energy I think I have an idea of where he went. Sunny, remember bringing Opaline’s castle down on her?
Sunny: Is that where he took her?
Me: No, the castle itself; Chandler regained his super form after convincing Discord to give him the Super Emeralds then turned on him by snapping him to dust. In that form, he’s not bound to the laws of logic or reality for any matter. As long as he’s Super Chandler, he can do whatever he wants and never follow universal logic if he doesn’t care to.
Misty: So we’re just Chris Chan’s play things and sex toys?
Me: In his current form, yes. We have to shatter the Emeralds. Knuckles is dead too, so he can’t take them back. After regaining his super form, Chandler reconstructed Opaline’s castle and rebranded it, The Emperor’s Astle..
Izzy chuckles from the name
Hitch: The Emperor’s A__hole?
Me: I wish that was a joke, but it’s not.. Look. Points at the fireworks
Fireworks: ChandlerxPipp wedding in 12 Hours! Who ain’t got no b_tches?
Will Zipp and the Purple Dragon Rescue Team save Pipp Petals in time? I dunno.. But little do they know that Hasbro already has the corpses of Spike and Sparky and puts ninja masks over their mouths
Hasbro President: Oh no, this guy’s too badass!
Hasbro Grunt 1: It’s that Dinosaur Elijah again, isn’t it?
Hasbro Grunt 2: Who did he almost decapitate this time?
Hasbro President: Opaline, we need to rez-erect Spike and Sparky to stop him from killing Opaline and have her defeat be the same in all timelines; Including fan productions.
Hasbro Grunt 1: Give Opaline a metal neck brace if he always aims for the neck- Oh wait, Fire Fang and Flame Claw..
Hasbro Grunt 2: A collar that shocks the attacker- Wait, Light Affinity.. There’s no other answer for Opaline’s defeat in this timeline but Elijah decapitating her with Execution at 1 HP.
Hasbro Grunt 1: Fair point, Elijah’s jaw is a guillotine at low health when using that move. No wonder Queen Haven wants him to be her First Constable.
Hasbro President: Put Spike and Sparky on the Rez-erect Table to make Sparky awake and Spike erect once more. The grunts lay Spike and Sparky in front of him Spike, Sparky Sparkaroni.. Turn down the lights, close your eyes and feel the energy flow through you, Chilly bo Chilly bo Chilly bo…. Spike and Sparky become their human ninja forms as he builds up his yell FIIIRRRRRRRRRRRRE!
Spike and Sparky wake up and head towards their objective targets
To be continued…

Fanfiction » Festival (NFSW s9 spoilers) » Post 374

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Nostalgia Nerd
Two hippogriffs was at the crowded festival of friendship in Canterlot. Two hippogriffs was at the crowded festival of friendship in Canterlot as Pinkie Pie made balloon animals in many shapes, sizes and colors, and the two hippogriffs was at the crowded festival of friendship in Canterlot and Pinkie Pie made two balloon animals in many shapes, sizes and colors that the two birds got.
The Mane six visited the slug troll swamp under a Birthday party for a slug as Pinkie Pie made balloon animals in many shapes, sizes and colors and Pinkie Pie made many balloon animals in many shapes, sizes and colors that the many worms got.

Fanfiction » Pipp and Hitch vs. Chad Elijah and Chandler [NSFW] (Part 1) » Topic Opener

Artist -

Yuu Rezbian Mii Tuu! XD
Trigger warning: Adult Themes, strong humor, and ded memes; Not for the faint of heart.
(Note: I write my stories cause it’s more comfortable and easier to know who’s talking.. Got a problem with that? Call the mods or 911.)
Hitch and the Purple Dragon team watch Elijah’s fight with EDP landing multiple critical hits.
EDP uses Football Fisting, the crowd roars
Elijah uses Axel F and lands a critical on the 5th hit
Hitch: You have to admire the work that went into EDP Kolosseum.
Pipp: Especially the different critical hit things on screen. :3
Elijah uses Unseen and turns invisible, blending with the background
EDP uses Finger Beam Barrage and misses
Elijah uses Dino Tail then uses Draccelerate
EDP kounters with Football Fisting sending Elijah flying back and losing his invisibility making the crowd roar louder then uses Guardian Eye Beam making Elijah too scared to move
Hitch: That’s the first time in my whole time knowing the little guy that I’ve seen him too scared to do anything.
Pipp: growling at Chandler across from her a long distance in the audience
Chandler winks at her and Zipp
Zipp: Pipp, don’t.. It’s what he wants.
Pipp: I won’t let us be humiliated in front of my babies. Snarls
Elijah lowers his mask as he shifts his head into his dinosaur head and uses Gag Reflex dissolving EDP’s clothes making Rarity, Sunny, Izzy, Zipp and everyone cover their eyes in disgust and fright
EDP staggers with his arms and legs partially showing bones
Chad Me: slowly stands up R. KELLY HIM!
Shang Tsung is laughing his a__ off
Shao Kahn: looks at evil me WHAT THE- REALLY!? How can you say that with the coldest expression?
Chad Me: Did you really take over this realm and not question how it works? Just came out of one of Volo’s portals and decided, “This realm is mine!”.
Music: MK2 Friendship theme
Me: ☝️ Actually, EDP.. pulls out cupcakes as everyone uncovers their eyes for more cringe Here are some cupcakes I personally decorated just for you. ^^ (Just turn yourself in already)
Hitch: facepalms Oh Elijah.. shakes his head
Izzy: pets his shoulder You’re not the only one that doesn’t approve of that outcome.
Sunny: watches intently He might be onto something..
Hitch: Hopefully not crack.
Chad Me: Elijah wins.. Friendship?
Shang Tsung: Sounded a little unsure there.
Me: places them in front of EDP Enjoy them, big guy; These may be your last decent treat for some time. EDP falls back Oh, dead already? I guess no cupcakes for you this time.. Diabetus.
Chad Me: points at Hitch Trailblazer You… Will be next..
Shao Kahn: BUCK THIS, I’M OUT! Your cringe has assaulted my eyes and ears for the last time. Walks away
Chad Me: C’mon Leroy Jenkins- I mean Shao Kahn, the real fun has only begun..
Shang Tsung: Fight your battle, I’ve trained you well. Shao Kahn is cranky today. ^^
Zipp: Hitch, be careful. Cuddles him Plz.
Sunny: The good one has used Jutsus, this one gives me a bad feeling. Zipp told me he has Telekinesis, whatever combo he’s planning is a fatal one.
Izzy: Where’s Pipp?
Zipp: Don’t tell me she went after him..
Alphabittle: Haven is missing too! I saw them go after Chandler. I couldn’t keep up..
Me: Old man and still a simp. X3
Alphabittle: At least I actually have a gf, the only girls you ever had in your life are your waifu plushies and your right hand. You call me a simp trying to impress Mistress Haven and your collecting garters and panties for someone you never had a chance with; Give me a break. You’re projecting, you and Shang Tsung would be great friends; You’re only strong in your head, but in reality; You’re weak, you’re fragile. My daughter is… Infistable.
Zipp and Sunny: ALPHABITTLE!
Misty: Father… Looks shocked he would say that
Me: Well played. Goes to the bench
Hitch: Wow..
Sunny: Little guy, wait! Follows me
Cyrax: That was a verbal fatality.
Alphabittle: Wait for him to do a real one. ^^”
Misty: Father, blushing that was uncalled for. I’m not immune to being fisted. You both need to apologize to each other.
Alphabittle: He’ll get over it.. He took that eerily well. I wonder what goes through his head when writing this cringy a-
Shao Kahn: socks Alphabittle across the face That felt good letting out that anger.
Shao Kahn: Big talk for a little pony. Where’s Opaline, your mistress?
Misty: After Sunny smacked her down and pinned her to the wall with Wall Crash, she finished her with Magnitude 10 making the castle crumble on top of her.
Shao Kahn: Hmhm, Sunny Starscout’s first fatality. Tell me more about this “supposed death”.
Misty: She never responded when I called and looked for her, so I thought she was dead.
???: So that gives you the Ok to forget the one who found you when you were lost, saved you from the director, camera crew and the defenders of Cuties to follow the earth pony? If you’re going to double-cross me Misty, at least keep it interesting for me. Her eyes are glowing red as she licks her fangs then spreads her Golbat wings
Opaline: Too bad points at Misty YOU…. will die.
Misty: Mother, what big teeth and claws you have!
Opaline: Don’t like my new look? Onaga isn’t really what Shao Kahn and Reikou were so afraid of, I have harnessed his powers.
Misty: What about your Golbat wings?
Shang Tsung: The castle did crumble on top of her, but she was fatally injured. I teleported her to my lab and injected Veternian serum in her wounds.
Opaline: I am now part Tarkatan, Dragon and Veternian! Cackles
Sunny: Little guy? Pets me Plz don’t turn invisible, I want to talk to you. Snuggles
Elijah purrs and licks her
Sunny: Hehehe, cute little licker~ You did great in your fight with EDP. Alphabittle didn’t mean to,-
Me: He’s right, you know; Just busting his balls.
Sunny: Your ability to control bones has gotten more predators off the street than they can spawn. It would be ashamed if we lost you. Hugs me and cuddles
Me: blushing What is the meaning of this?
Sunny: You just want to be held, don’t you?
Me: purrs as tears start falling
Sunny: Awwwwwww, you took down one of our most wanted targets, good boy. kisses my cheek
Elijah’s tears evaporate as he looks at Opaline approaching her and starts growling
Sunny: Huh? Looks behind her
Opaline: Hello again, Earth pony; Your supposed Fatality was a Heroic Brutality. Next time you attempt a Fatality, make sure your opponent’s actually dead.
Sunny: You should’ve taken that as a chance to change. I won’t kill you, Opaline. You need to turn around-
Me: I will, vampire.
Opaline: Were you not just crying in her arms, dinosaur?
Me: Caught me slippin’; Don’t think that means I’ve gone soft.
Sunny: Elijah, plz.. You have better morals than that.
Me: You don’t know me that well, Sunny Starscout.
Opaline: Remember when you threatened Opaline Arcana that you were going to tie her to the radiator and my reply was, “A colorful threat you’ll never live to fulfill.”?
Zipp: I’m not the only one he told that to.
Me: We can go right now, give you something to moan and groan about.
Had to split into 2 parts cause word limits, yayyy!

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