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Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7648

Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -

#004 Blizzard Cool
I’m trying to come with the name for a antagonistic entity/Force of nature that can summon monsters from various worlds through the use of cards.He can do this simply by existing.
Currently I’m looking for gambling or playing card related names.
Right now I’ve settled for ‘Ludo’
Any of ideas? :o

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7647

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7646

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7645

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7644

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7643

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7642

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7641

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7640

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7639

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7638

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7637

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7636

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7635

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7634

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7633

Background Pony #742E
I’m looking for a fanfic. There was fic about Rainbow Dash being rejected by the Wonderbolts and afterwards she takes out her anger on Scootaloo. It’s implied that she dies from these injuries. Anypony help me find this fic? And it’s reading on YouTube? I believe TheLostNarrator was involved with it.
>>152665 was the thumbnail.
Posted Report

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7632

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7631

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7630

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7629

Non-Fungible Trixie -
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Verified Pegasus - Show us your gorgeous wings!
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

Dragonball Girlfriends
Is it possible to write a morally gray vampire? Or are they technically gray by default?
Like I imagine the only way a vampire can be morally pure is to just starve to death or only feed on animals, but say for example animals aren’t good enough sustenance.
Maybe vampires are default evil because they have to kill people to live and there is no way to be gray about it?
Posted Report

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7627

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7626

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7625

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7624

Fanfiction » Fanfic Writing General » Post 7623

Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
A Really Hyper Artist - 500+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

reformation is the best
can someone give me an idea for a one-page short comic? i want to test out new techniques i saw in videos and want to try them out so i can see if i will improve in my comic making skills, and i just want a simple comic about background ponies (not the popular ones) just the obscure ones with simple designs as practice so i can see how i do.
at least i want the comic to be 3 to 4 panels long

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subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
topic_idLiteralMatches the numeric surrogate key for the topic this post belongs to.topic_id:7000
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updated_atDate/Time RangeMatches the creation or last edit time of this post.updated_at.gte:2 weeks ago
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