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Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3291

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3290

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3289

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3288

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3287

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3286

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3285

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3284

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Is there an Arrow Firing Gun that looks almost identical to a Rifle?
In other words, these things:
Coming out of something that looks like these:
Not a crossbow BTW:
So I guess what I’m asking here is…

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3283

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3282

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3281

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3280

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3279

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3278

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3277

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3276

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Why is the sideways hold so popular with street criminal types?
I admit it looks kinda cool but dude, I’d be just as equally scared for my life if you held it upright so why be all flashy for no reason?

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3275

Background Pony #5252
LMAO at that SCARling. Why would you use 556 with a 7.5 inch barrel when that cartridge was designed for 20 inches? .300 BLK exists, why not use it instead?
And SCAR’s bulk looks so silly in this form. Now I want to see Beretta ARX 160 pistol.

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3274

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -
Sapphire -
Happy Derpy! -
Bronze Supporter -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Build commie blocks!
How to get less muzzle energy than a Glock 17 offers with a 2000* dollar turd
Point being, if you want more muzzle velocity, there is a hard-physics tradeoff with compactness, and is why PCCs make a lot more sense than meme-“pistols” that run on rifle rounds.
“B-But muh magnum, muh 357Sig, muh 10mm!” Sure, they’re theoretically more powerful, but then you’re trading a lot of usability for marginal performance improvements…which again, means that a PCC would do that better than a pistol. Like Shit_On_Wheels (of FMGC-01 fame) recently prototyped a Yeet-22 pistol that’s full-auto and despite it only running .22lr, you sure-as-shit wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of that.
*(actually $3000, which he corrected later)

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3273

Background Pony #5252
Magnums are not that different from regular handguns. Magnum rounds have more muzzle energy, but they also cause more recoil. For general use, non-magnum ammo is good enough. That’s because, as long as your bullets can penetrate, shot placement and speed matter more than some extra kinetic energy from magnums.
Rifles and shotguns still have more muzzle energy than magnum-firing handguns. For example, 5.56 fired from a rifle (20 inch barrel) still has more energy than .44 Magnum fired from a revolver (7.5 inch barrel). (Note that fudds whine how 5.56 is underpowered, meanwhile a .44 Magnum revolver used to be Dirty Harry’s “the most powerful handgun in the world”.) Additionally, rifle bullets typically penetrate better than pistol bullets due to their shape.
Rifle caliber pistols are gimmicks. (Unless you mean actual rifles that are only considered pistols by silly US gun laws. But for those, you would use both hands and preferably stocks, arm braces or other support. A shield would interfere.)

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3272

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3271

Background Pony #5252
The main advantage of handguns is size and thus portability. It follows that their main use is having them with you just in case. If you are taking such a shield with you, it means you are expecting a gunfight, so you might as well take a rifle instead.

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3270

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Wonder why more Pistol Users don’t pair their handguns with mini-shields like this:
Could switch cover easier in a gunfight with some added protection that wouldn’t slow you down by much.
Fellas who don’t carry around Larger Firearms like Shotguns or Rifles would definitely get some usage out of this.

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3269

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3268

Background Pony #5252
They took this drilling to space, but didn’t use it there. It was meant to be used on Earth to survive after landing in uninhabited areas.

Generals » Gun Discussion » Post 3267

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Of course it would be none other than the Soviets who used a gun in space:
Double Shotgun Barrels and Single Rifled Barrel Combo in a Pistol Frame.

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