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General Discussion » Pre-FiM MLP Discussion » Topic Opener

Background Pony #2ED0
Talk about anything G1-G3.5 here!
G3 Pinkie Pie is adorably snarky sometimes.
Spike: That’s it! Spike! Spikes, spikes, spikes! I’m Spike!
Pinkie Pie: I guess when you’ve been asleep for a thousand years you think others don’t hear you.

Pony Discussion » All Guys Episode » Topic Opener

General Discussion » Phoenix wright Thread » Topic Opener

General Discussion » Ps1 vs. N64 » Topic Opener

Thread Starter - Vent thread
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Personally, I prefer the PS1 mostly because of it’s CD Quality Audio. The graphics tended to be a lot clearer too. The N64’s graphics just look muddy and washed over to me.
Plus, Ps1 had Final Fantasy, Ridge Racer, Tekken, Soul Blade, Mega Man (8, various X’s, Legends), Gran Turismo, DDR, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro The Dragon, Brave Fencer Musashi, Metal Slug X, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, etc.
The N64 had some good games too, I’ll admit, but the poor music quality always killed them for me.

Site and Policy » Blocking users and Vote power » Topic Opener


I’d like to take advantage of the awesome new features to ask for more. We are greedy users.
First, find a way to blacklist no only tags but entire users. This is not my idea (I’m proud of not blacklisting anything… anything) but have read about it many times. This could avoid much internet fights clogging the images, and the “burn in the ninth circle of hell” comments
Second, distribute voting power not equally. To illustrate this point I was going to upload a screenshot, but to avoid drama I’ll just transcribe a conversation:
User1: For God’s sake people, blacklisting exists. Use it.  
User2: But I can’t downvote it if I block it!
And then a facehoof. Voting should judge the quality of the work not a way to spread hate.
Hope to hear some feedback!

Site and Policy » Is auto update possible » Topic Opener

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

i would like to request an auto update feature for the forums, is it posible (I know it is, the admins are greeat pepole)

Pony Discussion » Underrated episodes/characters » Topic Opener

Japanese Teeth
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Clock. Is. Ticking.
In which we talk about characters/episodes/songs/whatever that that you really like, but aren’t exceptionally popular in the fandom as a whole.
For instance, “Look Before You Sleep” is one of my favorite episodes. I like the fact that it’s based almost entirely around character interaction rather than setting up some sort of weird situation to drive the plot. Also, it contains this:
Anybody else have an episode or something that they think should be more popular than it is?

General Discussion » FAIL » Topic Opener

General Discussion » The Nostalgia Thread » Topic Opener

Roleplaying » We Are Our Avatars » Topic Opener

Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
Thread Starter - We Are Our Avatars
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

The Fallen Brony
So this is an idea I got from another forum, and I decided to see what effect it would have here.
Sha! Let’s go, Discord! To… Wait, where are we?
Apparently something called a forum… I think I’ve been to a couple… good times… fun times… Oh, hopefully you’ll survive the onslaught.
Um… {gulp}

General Discussion » Capcom or Crapcom Thread » Topic Opener

Thread Starter -  Waifu Thread

The Element of laughter
Well if you all havent noticed capcom has turned into the most hated game company besides EA, so i want to ask you do you Prefer old capcom or new capcom? And explain why you hate or like them.Also Whats a capcom game you would like to eather see remade or a sequel of?

Art Chat » Favourite Music Genre » Topic Opener

Art Chat » OC Demographics » Topic Opener

Background Pony #4127
Any estimate on what species of ponies or any other creatures this fandom is consisted of?
Earth Pony  

Roleplaying » One word per post story: Awakening » Topic Opener

General Discussion » What's your hobby? » Topic Opener

General Discussion » Things That Need To Be Ponified General » Topic Opener

Art Chat » Wallpapers » Topic Opener


Of course, one of the big portions of the artwork community is the wallpaper and graphic design community, which pumps out many, many wallpapers almost daily for us to cover our desktops with. Why not share some of your favourite wallpapers and graphic designers here?

General Discussion » Can someone tell me what's wrong with Google? » Topic Opener

Thread Starter - Vent thread
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

It keeps saying, “this webpage is unavailable”
Error 15 (net::ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED): Unknown error.
Since when is google subject to errors like this? It’s been like this all day!

General Discussion » Naruto Thread » Topic Opener

Wallet After Summer Sale -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Thought there should be a thread for all the epic orange ninja fans out there. Lets discuss Naruto and Naruto related things here.

Art Chat » Brony Musician Thread » Topic Opener

Pony Discussion » Ponies and Crystal ponies, Old Equestria and Crystal Empire - Speculation » Topic Opener

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

First of, I know sometimes we get to overanalyze things in this not so complex show, but let’s admit we do it just because is fun XD
As the Thread title suggests, I’ve been intrigued if there’s a deeper connection between common Ponies and Crystal Ponies, I posted this a while ago, I recommend to read the discussion there before jumping to this discussion since it’s pretty much the same thing.
My crazy theory consists of the following:
The crystal Empire and Ancient Equestria appear to be very similar in terms of geography and climate (frozen tundra and the like). Which could indicate that the crystal Empire and the Ponies ancestral homeland we saw in “heart’s warming eve” could both be the same
Not to mention that, have you ever wondered how can both species live so far from each other,hadn’t had contact in 1000 years and still be very much alike?
To add to this, when considering hystorical human migrations in various points of history, sometimes not all the members of a nation/tribe would agree to emigrate, some would want to stay in their homeland and make the most of it.
However I can’t come up with a theory on how can there be no pegasi nor unicorns among crystal ponies, maybe all of those two emigrated with a flock of earth ponies, leaving only a handful of earth ponies to build the crystal empire and become the crystal ponies.
Regarding the windigos who would still ravage the old equestria, I don’t know how those who suposely stayed were able to defeat them maybe that was the original purpose of the crystal heart, or they just simply learned to use the power of love like those who emigrated.  
So, in the end what do you guys think?
Do you agree and disagree with this crazy nonsensical fan-theory?, if so, would care to say why?
Do you perhaps thought about something like this already but perhaps a bit different?, if so, how different?

Pony Discussion » Unpopular opinion time » Topic Opener

Princess Ember - Derpi Supporter
Diamond -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2017) - Celebrated Derpibooru's five year anniversary with friends.
Silver Supporter -
Happy Derpy! -

I liked Magical Mystery Cure.  
Gilda is one of the most relatable characters in the show.  
I really don’t care about most of the background ponies.  
People take this show too seriously.  
None of my favorite episodes are from Season 1.  
Spike is more dynamic than most of the cast.
What about you?

Art Chat » OC Critique? » Topic Opener

Thread Starter - Vent thread
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Anyone interested in reviewing an OC complete with backstory?
Picture yourself at Canterlot’s large and lavish water-park, in the center of which stands a large stadium with a pool of water and a platform in the middle. As the speakers blast a pumping rave tune, a unicorn mare steps on stage, reveling in the crowd’s cheers as her horn glows with pale, white magic. Suddenly, a jet of water shoots into the air, and then another, and another, until it all forms into a giant ball of liquid. The unicorn uses a burst of magic to leap high up a above it as it freezes solid, and the moment her hoof touches it’s surface, the ball of ice explodes into pieces, revealing a giant whale and several dolphins. The crowd goes into a frenzy as they watch a spectacular display of dance, water-control, and breaching, aquatic life.
You have just witnessed a day in the life of Dolphin Groove, one of Canterlot’s most well known show-ponies. The mare is beloved for her loud, bombastic showmareship during her shows, and her impressive way of taming and handling the wild sea creatures. From afar, she seems like the kind of mare you want to take to a restaurant, only for her to call the place boring and drag you down to the loudest, rowdiest bar Equestria has to offer.
Well, don’t count on it. After all, every showpony has a reason to stay out of the public eye, and Dolphin is no exception. While she lacks the over-inflated ego of a popular showmare (like, say…Trixie), she definitely has the temper, lashing out at minor annoyances and rarely apologizing for doing so (if at all). And this temper doesn’t stay behind at the water park at the end of the day, it follows her through out all walks of life. Whether it be a trip to the super-market or a day at the beach. And it’s not just temper. Attitude plays a big role as well. She’s the kind of mare to bump into you on a street corner, then blame you whilst hurling a string of insults, before going home to throw herself onto her bed, light up a cigarette, and browse the internet until she falls asleep.
But, it wasn’t always like that. A mere twenty years prior, Dolphin Groove was just a happy, little, fish-loving native from Equestria’s surrounding islands. She would spend her days tending to the fish that would swim into a small pond linking to the sea behind her family’s hut. It was strange, but from that very first day she tossed a few bread crumbs into the water, they always seemed so happy to see her, heading back into the larger at the end of the day, only for new fish to appear in the pond. She would swim with them, talk to them, and even sing them songs, wishing them a safe journey back into the sea. Any time she was called in for dinner, she would thank the fish on the fire for offering themselves to her as food, which she believed as a sign of them thanking her for entertaining them.
As the seasons changed, so did the fish. Word of the kind little filly who entertained the fish must have spread throuought the ocean fast, for soon, creatures like dolphins, eels, octopi, even whales were appearing in her pond, and as always, she would entertain them until the sun went down and they continued their journey across the ocean.
Eventually the day came when she recieved her cutie mark; a brilliant, white dolphin surrounded by many notes of music, forever signifying her connection to the ocean and the songs she sang to them. On that day, she bid her home goodbye, wanting to see the rest of the world, and the endless seas within them. Hopping on the back of a whale she’d befriended that day, she said her goodbyes, and was off.
For years, she travelled the world, exploring new waters, and meeting the truly vast variety of life they held. Neither she, nor the sea-creatures could be happier.
But, as time dragged on, her whale grew old and fatigued, tired from carrying it’s loyal friend across the world. During it’s last swim, it brought Dolphin Groove to the famed pony city of Canterlot, knowing that she would want a new land to explore now that she’d seen all the ocean had to offer. That night, it died, and, like always, Dolphin Groove thanked it for being her friend as she ate it’s remains.
Despite living most of her life on the water, she adjusted rather quickly, managing to keep herself sane by living near the ocean front, still entertaining the fish that would come to her. But, this was a big city. The waters were not as pure as they were around her island, and as such, many fish would avoid coming close. The very few that did were merely old fish Dolphin had sang to in her youth. Before long, the fish stopped coming all together, the only ones left loyal to her having long since passed on.
It was during this time Dolphin grew bitter. As per her ponies’ customs, she was forbidden to return to her home until she was on her last legs, and no matter what city she went too, the fish would avoid it, like always. What good was her cutie mark to her now? She had no more fish to entertain…
So the only recourse left was to entertain her fellow ponyfolk.
But, luck shined upon her, as the nearest available work was at, of all things, a water park! A live water park featuring many different sea creatures! What’s better, these creatures were the descendents of the very ones Dolphin had entertained in her youth! She could immediately feel a connection with all of them, and knowing these new friends would be willing repay the loyalty she showed their ancestores, Canterlot gained one of the most spectacular performances ponykind had ever seen! The shows would sell out constantly, even after years of production, for Dolphin’s brilliant mastery of aquatic life would always bring something new, something fresh, something entertaining.
The crowed would cheer her name for many years to come, and for a while, she loved being in the spotlight.
But, as the years wore on, it began to lose it’s novelty. She still loved her fellow sea animals, and absolutely adored working with them to entertain, but there was a part of her that still resented being stuck in the city with no new fish to befriend. She longed for the days on her island, and that little pond she tossed breadcrumbs into. The memory of it pained her, and the thought of not seeing it again until the end of her life infuriated her, so much that said fury would manifest itself in negative ways; lashing out at her coworkers, resorting to tobacco as a relaxant, and spending too much time on the internet, trying to escape into her perfect fantasy world.
But, not all is lost. Today she shall meet a peppy young DJ pony from Manehattan. Techno Fiend, he calls himself. She dismisses him as some young, foolish, city-colt, but there’s more to him than meets the eye. A desire shows in his eyes, a desire to help ponies through their hardships and woes, whilst using music to cope with his own, and though she might not yet recognize it, these two (and soon enough, several others), will have their friendships intertwined, and it shall all be for the better.

Art Chat » Programs and Tools. » Topic Opener

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

This thread is about different programs and tools everyone uses for their artwork.  
Also, feel free to post any tutorials you guys find helpful.
I’ll go first with a few of the tools I’m most familiar with:
AKA poor man’s Photoshop. Bitmap editing program. USE THIS INSTEAD OF MSPAINT, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Mac, Windows, Linux.
AKA poor man’s Illustrator. Vector editing program. Mac, Windows, Linux.
Incredibly easy to use 3d modeling program. Originally developed for architectural rendering, this program has become a great starting point in 3d art. There’s a free version which does pretty much everything you need to do but export to other file types out of the box. To export to other file types you can get a free plugin. Mac, Windows, Linux support through WINE.
Aviary Suite  

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