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Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 460

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
“I-I’d like that.”  
He said with a smile before hugging her, he had completely forgotten about the ghosts of the island and was now focused on Fluttershy and her kindness.
“Thank you…”  
Was all Alex said, thanking her for not only letting him sleep with her but also for her kindness to him.
“Oh! One more thing.”  
He released her from the Hug and steps back, looking at her bare feet which still had sand on them.
“Want me to take care of the sand on your feet?”

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 459

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Fluttershy was wearing that trademark smile as she was tapping her fingers together, blushing a bit as she looked away for a moment, before giving her answer.
“…I was wondering…if…you could sleep with me instead?” she said, looking at Alexander with those soft eyes. “U-unless that’s too much to ask for. T-then the chair is just fine. It just doesn’t look so comfortable, though…”

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 458

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
He chuckles.  
“No of course not, but you know what they say, great minds thing alike.”
He was relieved that Fluttershy agreed to his request, for a minute he thought she might decline and make the whole situation awkward. They finally reach the cabins and Alex simply moves his luggage from his cabin to hers, he tucks it neatly away in a corner.
“Now uh…what should the sleeping arrangements be? I can sleep on the chair if you want.”
The bed was big enough for two but Alex was just being polite, he also didn’t expect Fluttershy to be comfortable with the two of them sharing the same bed. However it was a possibility, this Fluttershy did seem like the cuddly type and he was the perfect size for her to snuggle up to…not that he would mind however.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 457

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Fluttershy’s ears made a slight twitch at the suggestion Alexander made, surprised at the fact she was thinking over the same thing. In fact, she was more worried that asking him of the same favor would be coming off as too strong and too forward. To hear her thoughts about the situation they’re in echoed out via the unicorn was reassuring to the pegasus that she had the right idea.
“Its like you’ve read my mind.” she said with a bashful smile, finding the timing of it all a little funny. “In fact, did you read my mind, Alex?”
She was joking with him, obviously. It was just nice to know both of them were on the same page.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 456

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 455

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 454

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 453

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 452

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 451

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 450

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
He just nods as Fluttershy led them back to their cabins, as they walked Alex decided to ask Fluttershy something.
“Um…Miss Fluttershy, I have a suggestion. I think it would be best if we share a cabin, that way we won’t be alone if something happens.”
Alex didn’t make this decision solely because he liked her, but because he felt he could trust her. If something does happen, like a ghost appearing in their cabin, then at least they won’t be alone. In fact, perhaps the ghosts won’t attack a cabin with two people in it.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 449

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

(Same here. One more month to go…)
“Yeah, that’s probably the best idea.” she said to him. “I’ll admit I’m a little bit creeped out as well.”
She gently pulled him back towards the cabins as the evening sky was settling in. “We’ll just ask Mr. Price when we see him. I’m sure he can explain things better then we can find them.”

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 448

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
He blushed as he felt her chest on his back, he really just wanted to get out of here and spend some quality time with his new friend.
“I-it doesn’t matter, whatever made that noise is probably gone. Let’s go back to the cabins shall we?”
(I have classes today so I won’t be on for a good chunk of the day)

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 447

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

“A sigh? From which way?”
She wasn’t exactly entertaining the idea, but curiosity was stroking at her. It was all due to previous experiences whenever she would go on adventures with her friends. It wouldn’t be the first time someone was pulling a fast one on and she wasn’t expecting it to be the last, either. They were apart of a grand stage play, after all, and at the moment the spotlight was focused on both her and Alex.
“I’m not sure how the rules of this game works…” she said to him as she stooped down to, cuddling up to him with her chest pressed against his back. “…but I got a feeling part of the rules is keeping us on our toes. I know I’m on mine, at the moment.”

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 446

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
He seemed to relax somewhat at feeling the warmth of his new friend, he loosened up and took a deep breath before looking at Fluttershy. It took him a moment to try and figure out what to say to her but he found the words.
“I…I think I heard a sigh, a very minor thing but I heard it. It was probably nothing though, maybe the wind, maybe my mind playing tricks on me.”

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 445

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

She took notice to the way Alexander froze up, her smile suddenly gone when she could feel the tension from his own body. He must have got a read on something he wasn’t suppose to and it felt like it was her fault for asking.
“Alex…?” Her voice was gentle and soothing as she got closer to him, taking one of his arms into her own as she offered some sense of comfort to him. “Is it…is it that strong?” She couldn’t hear the sigh herself, but she can tell by the stiffness of his arm whatever he was sending had a firm grip on his attention.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 444

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
Alex stopped and tried to hear something, usually there was a slight humming that could be heard by Unicorns when there was some sort of magic in the area they were in. He didn’t hear humming…instead he heard something else. For a split second he heard what sounded like a sigh, this didn’t belong to either him or Fluttershy. His eyes snapped open as he looked to the source, all he saw was the vegitation that surrounded the island. Fluttershy could see the stiffness of his limbs and knew that something had spooked him.
(Don’t worry about it!)

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 443

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Feeling the warm sands under her soles was a lot more comforting than usual, coupled with the gentle sea breeze flowing around them. It was a moment of bliss that allowed the pegasus to put what she witnessed earlier on the back burner of her mind, only to recall it when the time was necessary. She would eventually have to confess to both Rainbow Dash and Dana at some point, best before she was ‘out’ of the contest. It was going to be an awkward conversation, regardless.
Speaking of contestants, Fluttershy took notice to Alexander as they walked alongside each other, finding herself taking a real liking to the stallion. He’s been a sweet and patient pony to her up to now and she felt like she could put a lot of her trust into him, possibly even more than that. She also found him to be quite cute in looks, shape, and guilty as she may be for thinking it, his size. She couldn’t help but to giggle to herself - it was like they were living a page out of a romance novel, and they were just rounding out the first chapter. She could only wonder how far they’ll get into the book together…wonder what was written for them at the end. She was thinking ‘going steady’.
Finally, she broke the silence of the serene scene, a thought coming to her mind about the scenario with the island wildlife and is absence. “I think there’s another way we should look at this, Alex.” she stated off, looking ahead as the evening sky started to move in. “Since this is a contest and a private resort, this might be all staged. I’ve heard that when contests are held in the open like this, the area has to be closed off to keep their contestants safe.” She looked over to Alex, taking a note to his horn. “I sound silly for asking this, but can you sense any magic that may be keeping the animals away? Or anything close to it?”
Fluttershy knew she was taking a stab in the dark at the idea - magical barriers wouldn’t be necessary to zone out an area where the more feral creatures normally reside. On average, just having a few good tamers and a fence would suffice. It may go against the principles she stood for, but she also knew that most ponies wouldn’t want to deal with a leopard prowling in their own kitchen when they got home. All she could do was ask. Not like she would be killed for it…
…actually, considering this contest takes place on an island called Murder Island, that might be one of the rules. In that case, she hope she wasn’t an early elimination.
((Christ, if work keeps whipping away at me at this rate, I’ll have to write out chapters. Sorry for the late reply!))

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 442

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 441

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 440

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 439


As Dana’s juices flowed out, spilling onto her upper thighs, Dash licked across her thighs to clean up as much of it as she could. She then turned over and laid on top of Dana, cuddling her.
“How…” She panted for breath. “…was that?”

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 438

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 437


Flustered, Dash looked down at Dana. “I, uh… I’m pretty sure somebody saw us just then. I could’ve sworn it was my best friend Fluttershy, too…” Her face was glowing red. “Um… maybe I should finish you off?”
With one final, almost energetic burst of action, Dash plunged her face down into Dana’s nethers one more time.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 436

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
Alex accepted the response without question, if Fluttershy wasn’t freaking out about it he had no reason to worry. The two walked along the beach, Alex oblivious to Fluttershy’s lack of a bra. If he knew he would have offered to go fetch it for her, they had just met but Alex already liked her and had hoped they could be friends even after they leave the island…if they left the island.
The two still heard no sounds of animals or even insects, just the sound of the waves. It was almost kind of peaceful, especially now as the sun started to set and the sky was turning orange and purple.

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