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Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 13

Rainboom Dash
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Hero - Went above and beyond in the name of Lunar freedom, they will be remembered in legends and folklore as paragons of heroism for generations (April Fools 2023).
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Kinship Through Differences - Celebrated the 11th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~

In the future, I’d recommend at least trying to run through oxipng
I got it down to 126.5MB (and it needs to be below 125MB for the fetch thing to accept it [that is MB not MiB]) so it was really, really close
The limit is 125MB with fetch thing but only 100MiB if you upload from file on computer
Wouldn’t have been enough in this case but it was heckin’ close.. and it only takes a few minutes to run through oxipng, even with it being almost 165 megapixels

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 12

Artist -
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).

Monster lover
@Rainboom Dash
What’s funny is that it’s already compressed since it’s trad art 3 x 4 feet irl. Over 300 mb… 1.6 gb as a tif (native). I had to put it as a png and cut my losses at under 12k rez

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 11

Rainboom Dash
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Hero - Went above and beyond in the name of Lunar freedom, they will be remembered in legends and folklore as paragons of heroism for generations (April Fools 2023).
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Kinship Through Differences - Celebrated the 11th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~

I recompressed with oxipng (losslessly) and while it is over 100MiB, it is under 125MB which should be able to post if you upload to Discord and put that in the “fetch” part
I think, I honestly can’t test as I don’t have nitro
Oops, sorry, that is OVER 125MB… barely… Windows tricked me cause it said 123,500 KB but it’s not going by bytes…
I could probably get it under with stronger lossless PNG compression if you want.. would be nice if WebP were an option, heh
I think next try is oxipng with zopfli but I have doubts that would even shave off a MB versus the default libdeflate…
okaaaay, apparently zopfli LOST to libdeflate… lol…
libdeflate is so good that it loses to zopfli sometimes, it seems… and it took over an hour to run zopfli, oof.. I think it does 15 trials IIRC
compression level 4 lossless WebP took two minutes to compress and is 92MiB(little over 96MB)… but of course the site doesn’t support WebP…

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 10

Background Pony #1389
Rescale it smaller and/or save with compression eg. JPEG. I believe the max. file size is 100MiB and your is >130
Posted Report

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 9

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 8

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 7

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 6

Best Pink Pony - For being the first person to reach 50k uploads, managing the site's featured images, and countless other contributions to the site.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Lunar Guardian - Earned a place among the ranks of the most loyal New Lunar Republic soldiers (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Princess of Love - Extra special version for those who participated in the Canterlot Wedding 10th anniversary event by contributing art.
Elements of Harmony - Had an OC in the 2022 Community Collab

Senior Moderator
Humata, Hukhta, Hvarshta
You tried to upload from this address? now i understand why it didn’t work. the standalone URL just gives me a 404 Page Not Found error, although the image is linking fine.

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 5

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 4

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 3

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 2

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Post 1

Uploader Discussion » 413 Request Entity Too Large » Topic Opener

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