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Pony Discussion » Catching Up » Topic Opener


So I haven’t touched the series much since Season 3, not because I disliked Princess Twilight, but because I moved back home and not too open about being a fan of the show (family loves to dwell on things that are easy to make fun of. Just ask my gay cousin).
So I finally got to marathon through the series and so far it’s gotten pretty good!
Season 3 is probably the weakest because it’s so short. Twilight’s Ascension never bothered me as much as others, though I admit it felt a bit rushed and the purpose of how and why it happened could have been explained/showed a bit better. And despite what the show makers say, I include Equestria Girls as canon since it fits in rather nicely with the rest of the story…it also helps to make Season 3 feel longer.
Season 4 has to be my favorite so far. It has the best continuity, the best stories, and some (but not all) the best songs (You’ll Play Your Part is easily my favorite song). Not to mention I think that the way it ended would have been a perfect series finale if it didn’t continue.
Season 5 was a lot of fun, but I felt that it lacked the same…oomph that Season 4 had, though that might just be because that Tirek fight was so awesome. The one thing I’m a little irritated by is that the Crusader’s Cutie Mark episode felt as rushed as Twilight’s Ascension episode was. It should have been saved as the second-to-last episode of the season, and given one or two more episodes of them helping to discover the meaning of other marks before they accepted it as what they’d like to do. As for Starlight Glimmer, I don’t mind her joining the cast to make it the Mane 7, so long as she actually grows in character.
I will say this, though. I appreciate that the show is taking the risk of actually continuing the stories and advancing the lives of the characters. It gives a sense of maturity to the series as it goes on, which is weird as hell considering the “adult” shows that keep everyone and everything is in the exact same place ten seasons later. Looking forward to catching up on Season 6 and finally getting to watch Season 7.
A few things that I’m hoping for:
  • The Crusaders doing some of their Mark Purpose thing (maybe with Babs showing up again. I liked her)  
  • Canon Relationships. I don’t care who or what they are, but it’d be nice to actually see them attempting it with others. (I’m painting a target on me for this, but I think Twi and Flash Sentry would be a great one.).  
  • More singing! Seriously, they’ve gotten this prospect down pact by now.  
  • Seeing more of the families. I know Fluttershy’s family is featured a bit in Season 6, but we know almost nothing of Dash’s or Twi’s families aside from Shining Armor. It’d be nice to see them have some sort of Mother’s Day or something.

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