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Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 221

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 220


Hater of Nazi edgelords
The irony of people who still think defending Nazi content… doesn’t paint them in a bad light.
Take a step back from your echo chamber and maybe think about WHY people are calling your side nazis?  
You’re literially defending nazi content, regardless of your stance of Nazi ideology.
You’re literlaly saying we should welcome people and art of an ideology that advocates the mass murder of people. Of course people are going to be pissed off at you and call your side Nazis.

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 219

Background Pony #949F
by seeing everything that happening i belive is time for AI to evolve and take over human leader ship in everything like this website humans are not capable of ruling themself and use emotion for their decisicion making

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 218

Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
The Magic of Friendship Grows - For helping others attend the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
Toola Roola - For helping others attend the 2019 Community Collab
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.
Helpful Owl - Drew someone's OC for the 2018 Community Collab

@Background Pony #C843  
To censor them and poison the well, because a lot of people are gullible and won’t actually go and check if such a claim is actually true.  
Humanity has fought for centuries against this, resulting in laws such as presumption of innocence and requirement of tangible proof (did you know that in medieval times, dreams could be a valid evidence?).
It’s basically social lynching, as someone has pointed out in the threads. Shout that someone is [thing people in the area hate] loudly enough, and a mob will form to murder them, except in modern conditions and laws against murder, it’s “ruin their life” instead of “end it”.

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 217

Background Pony #C843
Seiken, they’re not “anti-nazi”, they’re anti-free-speech and will label anyone who dares to question them as nazis in order to censor them.

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 216

Glim Glam - Derpi Supporter
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Ruby -
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - Uploader of 10+ images with 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Bronze Supporter - Bronze Patron
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Starlight and Sunny Fan
It’s sad that some people just carelessly toss the nazi label at others when they know nothing about the person behind the keyboard, people who probably share the same hatred of the ideology
I’ve seen this from people on both sides though

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 215

Non-Fungible Trixie -
Artist -

I am still amazed at how brazen people just spurt out the term Nazi when describing their fellow Bronies or to say to them “Get out of OUR fandom”. But again for the really slow:
You can filter content you don’t like. That is an option EVERYONE has. The Anti-Nazi party wants to take away the option, wants to dictate what people can and cannot see. Claiming that Derpibooru gives “them” a platform? Who is them? Well of course the rampage Nazis and Alt-Right Folk… they are everywhere… points at an almost empty desert
No in reality there is hardly anyone in the fandom that can be called a Nazi and the solution to fighting ACTUAL fascist ideas is not to forbid certain kinds of art for the off chance someone actually is a Nazi. No the solution is to call individual people out who actually call out for violent action, not some god damn drawings of Ponies in Nazi outfits.

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 214


Manet immutabile fatum
And yes, now you;re going “ahah got ya” because they also fight for the right of anti-racists/BLM protests.
I mean, that’s how free speech works, yes. Would be terribly hypocritical to only give these rights to one side of the political spectrum, wouldn’t it?

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 213

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 212

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 211

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 210

Background Pony #B016
Let’s have a little thought experiment, Inu.
Would an organization that voluntarily challenges the Government on Free Speech grounds when it attempts to block a Nazi rally in a Jewish Community, advocating for their right to wear armbands with Swastikas on them, be just as guilty and deserving of total banishment from the public discourse as a true avowed Nazi? Perhaps even be labeled a Hate Group?

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 209

Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - 10+ uploads with over 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)

In that case, I quote Hermaeus Xerxes.  
The most important thing to me where this is concerned is that I, and everyone else I’ve ever spoken to who is into this, have no intention of ever hurting anyone. This is a drawing, and it will stay a drawing.
Note that the above quote is in regards to the mutilation of genitals.

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 208

Background Pony #7AD4
but in what context would you ever NEED to draw something nazi related [in the context of mlp] ?
This is such a dumb quote, because if you extend its logic, it applies to:  
-Murder porn  
-Gore in general  
-Fetishes in general  
-NSFW art in general  
-Mouthpieces in general
And so on and so forth. In fact, just about the only thing it doesn’t apply to is screenshots and painfully vanilla safe for work art.

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 207

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 206


Hater of Nazi edgelords
To quote dripponi  
If you want to express yourself artistically through normalizing nazi imagery, then you’re probably a shitty person. Just my opinion. Like, I understand the “slippery slope”, but in what context would you ever NEED to draw something nazi related [in the context of mlp] ?

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 205

Background Pony #949F
you should not base you decisions on emotions you should based it on logic and science

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 204

Background Pony #3311
Yeah, I think when you’re getting to the stage that you’re outright insulting people, it might be time to either cool off or to take a moment to prepare a more civilised rebuttal.

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 203

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 201

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 200

Artist -

I refuse to bend
How am I a shitty person for defending freedom of expression? I have never once been comfortable or happy with Nazi Horse, I don’t like looking at or thinking about Nazi horse, but I WILL defend to the death the right to post Nazi horse because that’s what standing for freedom of expression MEANS.

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 198

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 197

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 196

Background Pony #A87E
first off, secondly no the pro side hasn’t been brigading, most of the people who want to keep things have voted the polls without rallying support off site, as was proved by vote%’s being the same before and after filtering out the ‘brigading’ in favor of not changing the rules.
“ “secondly no the pro side hasn’t been brigading[](
And I haven´t posted the social lynching/doxxing towards Raptorshy yet.

Site and Policy » What's next in this Drama and What is happening behind the scenes? » Post 194

Artist -

I refuse to bend
“Moot” issue, first off, secondly no the pro side hasn’t been brigading, most of the people who want to keep things have voted the polls without rallying support off site, as was proved by vote%‘s being the same before and after filtering out the ‘brigading’ in favor of not changing the rules. Third: It’s not whataboutism to suggest that one side of a conflict is engaging in provable bad faith tactics, where the other side has mostly made an exodus to their own site, in the form of the newest booru that’s popped up in the pony community. Fourth: You’ve been sticking your hoof in everyone’s mouth for a while now and telling them what they’re saying rather than listening to a word anyone’s saying so you clearly are acting in bad faith yourself. Fifth: You are being incredibly rude to people who are just attempting to speak their opinions about an issue that affects all of us without being shouted down by a vocal minority who disagree.
I could go on about everything wrong with your actions, but I think I’ll stop there with a: “Stop it, get some help.”
Obviously there is a provable minority of users on this site who are for censorship, but they are indeed a minority. The majority of people who are against derpibooru staying as it is right now are not members of the general userbase. That was the result from the polling about the issue among the general userbase, even before twitter got involved. You are empirically, provably wrong.

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