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Fanfiction » Liberate NSFW » Post 1


Nostalgia Purist
Colgate and Pokey Pierce was grabbing a creaking, big, pink, star shaped, clear and shiny balloon at bthe cute cenera insied the balloon decorated Sugarcube Corner. Colgate then gave Pokey Pierce a 5 hour long horn balloon massage with the creaking, big, pink, star shaped, clear and shiny balloon in the quiet and empty streets of Ponyville after the party that evening.

Fanfiction » Liberate NSFW » Topic Opener


Nostalgia Purist
Diamond Tiara she had her “cute-ceañera” party in Sugarcube Corner on a sunny spring day, and Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle was there. Sugarcube Corner was filled with balloons, banners and more as usual by Pinkie Pie. Appleack that was scared of balloons got scared, as Pokey Pierce popped some of the balloons with his horn while she got a drink with Twilight and Pinkie Pie. Later was Applejack dancing with Pinkie Pie and as Applejack was scared of balloons did she feel hot and hard under her legs as Pinkie Pie gave her a four hour balloon hair massage with a long wide grey squeaking balloon while she sucked Pokey Pierces horn in her mouth for four hours. But Applejack she got tired of being in the crowd, as she wanted to go home.
“You feel tired! But I tink you also had one of your best parties ever!” Pinkie Pie told Applejack.
“Yup! And I think Applebloom is happy with her new friends!” Applejack told Pinkie Pie.
“I think you two could take a long walk, and enjoy this start of spring!” Twilight told Applejack and Pinkie Pie.
Applejack and Pinkie Pie took some balloons on strings from the party. So then was Applejack and Pinkie Pie taking a walk in the forest by Sweet Apple Acres, as they took up in the hills by the farm.
“As I was younger and began to applebuck, was I also learning Rainbow Dash to applebuck!” Applejack told Pinkie Pie.
The two ponies wandered up on one of the highest hills, as they watched the distant mountains. Later that night, was Pinkie Pie ad Applejack sleeping in Applejack’s tent in the forest. That next day, was Princess Celestia calling The Mane Six together in her garden. Applejack was so excited to meet the princess personal again, as they knew each other since the were fillies where Twilight had invited her up for a royal visit.
“I called you because I had a prophecy about my family, and few years ahead you will travel to their castle beyond the forest of Sweet Apple Acres!” Princess Celestia said to her friends.
“Hay, is that all?” Applejack asked Princess Celestia.
“Not yet, as I sensed a third alicorn and royal wedding too!” the princess told.
Twilight had read about the third alicorn, as Pinkie Pie looked forward to the wedding that the princess told would be one of the biggest events ever in Equestria. Later that day, was Princess Celestia showing books in her library about the royal family she had beyond the mountains.

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subjectFull TextMatches the title of the topic.subject:time wasting thread
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