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Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 19

Thread Starter - The time wasting thread

Speaking of which for the next couple of days after moving I won’t be able to do anything, including job searching, until I can get a ID.
What I am saying is anyone here want a rule34 sketch of their character? Nothing fancy or nothing, just a doodlish sketch. It would be a couple of days until I could finish it, cause everyone comes home after 3:30 pm and well can’t draw that when everyone is in the house.
I don’t draw foals, gore or scat though.
someone filled the spot

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 18

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 17

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 16

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 15

Duck - Like the movies Birds, but with just ducks. Ducks everywhere.
Thread Starter - Person Above You

People can draw Rule 34 of my OC, as long as it’s with either Twilight, Trixie, Rainbow, Chrysalis, Shining or Cadance. Also, it must be pony and not humanized, for obvious reasons.

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 14

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 13

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 12

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 11

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 10

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 9

Background Pony #8557
I HAVE considered commissioning some R34 of Purple Tinker’s ponysona, oddly enough. However, as noted above, the problems would be that the…specificities of what I’d want out of it would make it appear to be slanderous at best, and stir up more shit than is truly necessary.

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 8

Thread Starter - The time wasting thread

If someone were to draw rule34 of my oc I wouldn’t know if I could fap to it or not, but I’d sure try.

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 7

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 6

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 5

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 4

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 3

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 2

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Post 1

Art Chat » R34 of Ponified Versions of Real People » Topic Opener

Background Pony #8557
So is it considered libelous, slanderous, a threat, or legal but in catastrophically bad taste?

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