Litterally no point in me trying to explain what I listen to. Not in some snobby kind of way, just litterally whatevery comes out of my mouth will not make sense.
Lot of videogame stuff. I guess that was pretty easy to say. I’m a bit musically illiterate, and I don’t recognize the names of many of the artist I listen to, that doesn’t help. I don’t recognize people by voice easily, unless they have some signature tic. Lots of it will be indie i guess.
A know of game designers and youtubers, where their entire medium is just a platform to push their amazing music. Toby Fox, Zun, Ratboy Genius. Many more, I just really wanted to point out these three.
Letting people suggest music to me is actually a good idea. I wanted something evil one day, like classical raw evil, and i got suggested Penderecki Threnody For the Victims of Hiroshima. That was lit.
If I like something in particular, I pretty much have to ask Myoozik what genre it is.