You just want to see them in the new styles? You don’t want to find out what they’ve been up to or how the collapse affected them? Also, we do see Violette in TYT style.
Of course I do, both go hand in hand. And yeah, I know she appears in TYT but what about in MYM?
Their goal wasn’t to “rediscover the world”. It was to bring back magic.
That doesn’t mean it wasn’t their secondary goal. They probably knew more. And I bet they are still alive and just partying with said races and abandoning their child for that.
The fandom just sort of assumed that Sunny was a total G4 fangirl. But when you actually look, Sunny only has a limited and superficial understanding of G4’s world. She’s more interested in making friends with the other tribes, which morphed into her quest to bring back magic. Zipp was only interested in the past because bringing back magic meant she could fly.
It is their sole duty to only look after their own kind. The dragons, breezies and every creature else are none of their business. Yeah, right. Isn’t that Sunny’s point of making friends? It’s just like ANG all over again except instead of 3 pony tribes, it’s one pony tribe, and them. And I wish that’s a plotline too.
Also, Sunny is interested in visiting the Alicorn Homelands.
Don’t think we’ll be able to get to that.
We visit a ruined Canterlot in the comics. The problem is that most of the locations in Old Equestria have absolutely zero lore or identity behind them. Manehattan is just “New York but with ponies”. What did you honestly expect them to show?
Learn about Rarity? She’s pretty popular there. Just any sort of history lesson.
While the other species do have some pretty good lore, it was pretty much only relevant during G4’s time. Plus, there was never any lore about the diplomatic relations between the species. If they wanted to actually do something with the other species, they would more or less have to create new lore from scratch.
And this, I don’t mind. Except now it’ll never happen. G5 is now our definition of Flat earth. From 3 places purgatory, we’ve now entered 4th place purgatory. There’s nothing else beyond the same 4 places and not a single character there wanted to get out of their literal comfort zone. I get that some of you have never ever even until now, travelled to other countries. But by doing that, you at least get to understand the culture and people living there more and not be holed up and becoming a complete shut-in.
To this day, I don’t understand why Zecora gets the free pass in appearance and popularity. What about others like her?