Predicament bondage has very few pictures yet. Would it be worth to submit a request to add a description to it so it
stops getting added to is added somewhat less often to images where character is merely in peril?
Like, character with their arms tied up behind the back, on a plain dildo, in a water-filled tank with oxygen tube to their gag and with oxygen in tank running out, is in peril, but not in predicament bondage. Character suspended by ropes with dynamite in her orifices is likewise peril but not predicament bondage.
While a character tied up to the faucet in a way so they have to do a backbend to keep face out of the water, with said faucet open, is both in peril and in predicament bondage (relax muscles and hold breath, or breathe normally and strain muscles).
And to fill it up, character who has to either sit down on a dildo or rest their weight on tiptoes is predicament bondage but not peril.