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Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 435

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 434

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Fluttershy had to think quickly about what to say to Alexander without telling off on Dash and Dana. Saying that you saw two Equestrian mates muzzle deep in each others’ legs isn’t a conversation fit for the norm. She gave the unicorn a cute smile as she came up with an idea.
“Well, let’s just say our theory about the wildlife here is busted.” She was still blushing herself, her tail swaying around as she gave Alex the details. “It was just two lovebirds making a nest~”
As the couple was heading out to greet the island life once more, Fluttershy had seem to forgot an important piece of clothing she was suppose to wear under her dress - the white bikini that was laying on the changing room bench.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 433

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
He blushed at seeing her, her dress was nice but he paid more attention to her cute feet which were now free from their sandals. He only stared at them for a brief moment and looked up at her.
“Uh…sure. Let’s go.”
He gets up from his seat and puts the book back where he found it, then the two of them leave the cabin and start walking.
“So…what did you find?”

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 432

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

It didn’t took long for Fluttershy to come back in and finish changing into her second dress of the day. In fact, one could say that she was moving too quickly - as if there was something or someone she was looking to get away from before it got to her. The face of embarrassment and shame was another telling tale of the explicit act she wasn’t suppose to witness for herself. That kind of intimacy was a heavy obstacle for her to simply climb over, and it would be many attempts before she could reach that point.
Regardless, she can only hope Adam didn’t notice her face at the time before she was ready to head out, wearing a tropical red and white summer dress and opting to go barefoot instead, just to make sure she didn’t ruin another pair of shoes on her feet.
“All ready to go, Alex~” she said with a smile, doing her best to not break out into a frantic in front of him to confirm what he already knew: Dana and Rainbow Dash was definitely into each other.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 431


@Four Tet  
When Fluttershy encountered Dash, her head was practically muzzle-first buried into Dana, with her own tail lifted up and her groin pressed atop Dana’s face. It was a very compromising position, to say the least.
While Dash was trying her damndest to make Dana cum, she didn’t hear or notice her friend. However, she did hear the faintest sound of Fluttershy leaving, and looked up just in time to see Fluttershy’s tail moving back indoors.
“Wh–” she barely had time to sputter out. “Fluttershy…?”

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 430

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
Alex was waiting in the cabin, wondering what Fluttershy was up to. He sat on one of the chairs with a book in his hands, he was silently reading the first pages to pass the time. The books seemed rather old and in fact didn’t seem to be used that much.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 429

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

There was a back door to the cabin that Fluttershy could take, leading to a small area for a shower stall that looked like it was for hosing off. From there she was out in the open, tightening her robe and listening carefully to the sounds coming from the cabin to her right. “Sounds like…someone is hurt?” she thought, as she quietly tip-tied towards the back. It was before she reached the corner of the cabin was when she heard Dash’s voice.
“Dashie!” she gasped silently, placing a hand over her lips as she heard the pegasus’ plea. The thought of her friend being the first victim to this island’s game was quickly creeping up on her, setting panic to her mind as she was lost on what to do. Should she surprise them? Should she run and find the owner with Alex? Should she beg the killer not to take her friend’s life?
“Snap out of it, Fluttershy - it’s only a contest!” she thought to herself, shaking her head and coming back to grips with reality. “This could be a prank as far as you know…it’s still too early in the day for anything that extreme to happen.” She took a few deep breath and placed a hand over her heart, doing her best to calm herself and work up the nerve to look. She slowly peered her head around the corner. “Just a tiny little peak to-”
For a brief second, the color of her face had left her as what she saw what Rainbow Dash and assumingly Dana were truly up to. Then it came back with a hot pink in her cheeks. She was fighting the nerve to squeak out in shock looking at the two mares in action, admittingly stirring up an odd feeling within her. At that point, it was best to leave Dash and Dana to their fun before she gets dragged into it.
“By Celestia’s mane and Luna’s tail!” She thought, shaking her head as she made her way back to Alex. “I’m very positive I was not meant to see that! Oh gosh, this is going to be awkward later on!”

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 428

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 427

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 426

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 425


Dash herself was getting rather close. “P-please…” she muttered between breaths as she dug her face deeper. Her grip on Dana’s cheeks started to loosen as the pressure built up inside her.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 424

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 423

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 422

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 421

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 420

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 419


Dash moaned loudly, then returned the favor and moved closer, feeling the every fold of Dana’s marehood with her tongue and specifically aiming for the ones intended to produce the most pleasure.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 418

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
“Oh? Uh…go ahead.”
Alex was still lost in thought. The weight of the situation was finally bearing down on him. Ghosts couldn’t be real, they couldn’t. He was being ridiculous, magic exists yes, but there’s no proof of deceased people returning from the grave to haunt the living.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 417

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 416


Dash grinned, then lowered her pussy onto Dana’s lips. Simultaneously, she gripped Dana’s hips and lifted them up to her mouth, already taking another lick.
She had no suspicions that anyone could see her.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 415

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

“Sure thing%” she said to him. “I’ll be a moment, though. Still feel like a siren fresh out the ocean.” A cute giggle came from the pegasus as she headed over to her dresser, placing the case on the floor and unpacking all that was inside. “You can stay around, if you like. I just need to change%”
She managed to grab a couple of towels from the dresser for her mane and tail, as well as two sealed bags that contained another summer dress and swimwear in one, and a few mane care products in the other. She then made her way towards the changing room, pulling back the covering.
“Oh, nice - there’s a bathrobe back here!” She said aloud. “Looks quite soft, too…must mean there’s a spa nearby.” She steps in, hang up the wet dress she had to dry off on the top of the cover before folding it back, hiding everything but her feet that pattered against the floor.
Then she unwrapped her sandals, pushing them gently to the side. Then off came her bikini as she hung it next to her dress…then there was a soft moan from her lips as she finally got the chance to stretch her limbs, the tip of her wings peering over the top of the changing room covers.
“Mmmphh…feels so much better%” she said with a sigh. “Almost done, Alex! Just need a moment to brush up%!” It was then she unpacked the soft brush from her bag and started smoothing out the hairs of her coat, humming a gentle melody to herself in the process…until she heard something from behind the cabin wall, muffled and fainted.
“What the…?” Her ears twitched and turned towards the sound, causing her to press her cheek against the wall to get a close listen. She couldn’t make out what was happening at first - were those grunts of a boar or the cooing of a jabara she was hearing?
“Hmm…I think we might be wrong about our theory, Alex.” Fluttershy says to the unicorn. “These walls are pretty thick to hear anything, but I’m hearing something going on in the back…I’m gonna check it out.”
She slips into the robe and steps out from the room, her mane and tail still wrapped up neatly in towels. The robe was almost identical to the ones at the spa her and Rarity frequent, sans the maroon coating and black trim. “I’m sorry if I’m holding up anything, Alex. I just want a tiny little peek at what’s happening behind this cabin, if that’s okay~”

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 414

Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Silver Bit -

@Four Tet  
“Heh, can’t blame you. I had the same reaction when I saw my cabin. It seems the owner of the island spared no expense when building these cabins. I’m almost disappointed we’ll be here for just a few days, in fact this is all feels unreal. I mean not only are we spending the nights in cabins meant for very rich people for free, we’re also getting paid for it. It’s almost like there’s a…catch.”
He briefly forgot about Fluttershy’s revelation about how animals seem to fear this island and how it might be haunted. Now it came back to him, perhaps the catch was that this island really was haunted? This was a thought that frightened Alexander, and brought back memories of him as a colt cowering in his bed at night.
“Well…anyway. Leave your luggage here and let’s go investigate the island. Perhaps we’ll find the real reason why animals don’t like his place.
He hoped the reason was mundane and normal and not paranormal.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 413

Four Tet
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

Fluttershy made a nervous chuckle as Alex mentioned what antics Rainbow Dash was up to. Whenever she hears the word “crush” and Dash’s name in the same sentence, she knew what it truly means. Mostly through the times Dash had crushed on her and vice versa. “Heheh…y-yeah. I won’t say a word if you don’t.” she said to him, hiding the soft rosey red on her cheeks. “I’m sure they’re just getting to know each other…l-let’s just head inside%!”
Fluttershy pushed the door open to her cabin, peaking inside to see what it had to offer to her and Alex. “I’m guessing there’s not mu~~!” She stopped in her tracks, gasping in awe as she took in the decor and accommodations ~~ it was decorated like it was fit for a queen. It was wide, spacious and had silk ribbons hanging in arcs upon the ceiling and soft lanterns along the walls. In the middle of the hardwood floors was a hand-crafted spring that was heated through the kindling under its base, its waters spiced with leaves and flowers from the island itself. To the left of them were a couple of bookshelves, stacked with various literature about the history and wildlife of the island, along with a few romance and fantasy novels to boot. To their right, a stone kettle kitchen complete with a stew pot and hand-carved utiensles. At the very back was her own king-sized bed, surrounded by silk curtains and littered with pillows to spare. Next to it would be her dresser all of her clothes would be settled in. And in the corner of it all was a small area for her to change clothes into, a woven boarder being the only thing that kept prying eyes from peaking in through the windows around the place.
“This is…this is wonderful%!” she said with a soft gasp, her tail swaying back and forth with excitement. “I don’t even think I’m suppose to have this cabin my myself - this looks like a couple’s dream!” She paused, blushing for a moment as she looked over to Alex. “W-well, I mean…eeehhh let’s just say ‘I love it’.” she said with a bashful smile.

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 412

Roleplaying » Welcome to Murder Island (Anthro, NSFW, Spoopy) » Post 411


“I sure hope so.” Dash yanked down her bottoms–her pussy was already noticeably wet and dripping–and stood up, moving over to Dana’s face. “Ready?” she asked, already lowering herself down on top of Dana.

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