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Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2540

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2539

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2538

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2537

A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

i wonder if the people who are saying it’s too dark have seen the image comics thundercats (the one where wilykit and wilykat are mumm-ra “personal” slaves and cheetara was…used by the mutants repeatedly)

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2536

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2535

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2534

A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

i have a beef with one of the comments about ripping off (almost everything under the sun) other stuff.
mainly its “i hate it so: rip-off but if i like it: it’s a homage”
reminds me too much of the star wars crowd.

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2533

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2532

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2531

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2530

A Really Classy Artist - 250+ images under their artist tag
An Artist Who Rocks - 100+ images under their artist tag
Artist -

yeah…should’ve specified it in the first post but yeah, thundercats.
really sucks they pulled the plug before the story was finished.
they might’ve actually done the silverhawks/tigersharks crossover for real.

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2529

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2528

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2527

Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
As good as Ducktales is, it’s pretty inferior to the comics it was spawned from.
From what I’ve read of Don Rosa’s work, I would definitely have to agree on that front. I really can’t think of a comic arc that’s better than The Life & Times of Scrooge McDuck.
I haven’t read the stuff before his time, though, sadly.

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2526

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2525

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2524

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2523

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2522

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2521

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2520

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2519

Duck - Bona fide shitposter - ignore or report

Sunny Day Realtor
It’s only the greatest thing ever (besides cigarettes, Pepsi, and Limestone Pie, of course)
Seriously, almost ever piece of Western Animation that came after 1987 is derived from DuckTales in one way or another. They didn’t do anything like it before DuckTales, and since then they’ve only hoped to replicate its success.
There is a whole generation of people in Europe that is referred to as “the DuckTales generation” because of the incredible cultural impact this show had :P

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2518

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2517

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2516


Well, shit.
If, however, anyone has knowledge on the OLD-SCHOOL cartoons, I could die a happy man.
I’m talkin’ about the cartoons that were made in the late sixties to the late nineties, like Scooby-Doo (the super-old one), Darkwing Duck, Thundercats (not that cheap 2011 rip-off), Heathcliff, He-Man, cartoons like those. And I just thought of those off of the top of my head.
I’m addicted to cartoons, as you can see.

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