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Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2363

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2362

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2361

Thread Starter - Cartoon/Western Animation General

Culture Vulture
Time for another segment of digging up forgotten toons from the either.
Edgar & Ellen: Based on the childrens book of the same name, Edgar & Ellen was a showed centered around the twins creating mischief and mayhem in their hometown, its resident, and even each other. True to its roots, it’s a rather tame show who’s humor is largely based around visual gags and slapstick.  
Making Fiends: I’d call this a softer Invader Zim. Both are based in a dark grimy town, have an evil semi-compete protagonist with a pet, and is based around the protag’s (Vendetta) bouts against Charlotte (her dib in a way); unlike Dib, Charlotte is insufferably happy and optimistic classing with the blood thirst Vendetta.  
“The Secret Show”: Coming from Britain, this show was a spy comedy drenched in spy troupes and British humor. Unlike “The Xs” and other spy toons, the show surprisingly centered solely around an adult cast. Along with the spy antics and the protags screwing up missions and what not it’s more like “Archer” for a younger audience. Also see that bunny down there? That was this show’s Derpy, but more sinister.  

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2360

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2359

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2358

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2357

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2356

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2355

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2354

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2353

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2352

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2351

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2350

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2349

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2348

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2347

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2346

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2345

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2344

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2343

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2342

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2341

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2340

Generals » Cartoon/Western Animation General » Post 2339

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