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General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21262

Thread Starter - Started a thread with over 100 pages
Flexible - Bendy Pony

The Flexible One
Simulation ended. Thank you for your participation, and for all the reports that this thread generated which inspired the mod team to drink.

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21261

Thread Starter - The great GamerGate discussion.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

r/europe is doubling down on immigration and internationalism.
Some of them have conveniently started defining mass immigration as “just the refugee crisis.”

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21260

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21259

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21258

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21257

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21256

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21255

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21254

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21253

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21252

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21251

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21250

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21249

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21248

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21247

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21246

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21245

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21244

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21243

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21242

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21241

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21240

Pixel Perfection - Hot Pockets Spotted
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!
@Bexar Bandito
Don’t be sorry. You spoke your mind, which is all we ask here.
Though you say you were drunk. But then again, people get crazy-honest when drunk.
In vino veritas, in wine, there is truth.

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21239

General Discussion » [Closed] /pol/ Thread Simulator - 2016 Edition » Post 21238

Darth Sonic
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

@Greg Universe
But to how many people define marriage, “gay marriage” makes just as much sense as a “blue red notebook”. I, myself, think marriage has naught to do with sexual attraction, but that the ideal is the unification of the two halves of human being, male and female, X and Y chromosome, all that stuff. So on that level it’s an issue of defining what marriage is, and my assertion is that saying it’s just two people who love each other and is valid for anyone you’re attracted to/love, is simply wrong.
I’m not saying you’re less human, or get less rights, or any of that horrible nonsense. I’m saying you can’t have a blue red notebook because that doesn’t make sense. From my point of view, you’re arguing that “red notebook” means something else, so you can have a blue “red notebook” since “red notebook” doesn’t refer to its color, but to some other aspect of it.
Then you’re saying you’re being made a second-class citizen because you can’t own a blue red notebook.
@Greg Universe
Then obviously it isn’t such a big issue if it’s not such a problem that you need to move for it. I mean, yes, I know people can get very emotional and intense into things, but ultimately actions speak louder than words, or even feelings.
But when the Pilgrims in the 17th and 18th centuries faced religious persecution, they didn’t just move to a neighboring town, they sold everything they had, took a 1-way trip across an ocean to a wild, dangerous new frontier where most of them would die trying to build a civilization from the ground up.
When my Mormon pioneer ancestors faced religious persecution, they did similarly, fleeing into the rocky mountains.
Thousands of people are currently completely willing to not only move to another city, but go to another freaking planet to again, like those first pioneers, go into an extremely dangerous new world to build their own civilizations from the ground up, and many are willing to go for nothing more than the glory of being pioneers, and the name of preserving human civilization.
Being looked down on for how you are, what you are, is terrible and oppressive, and while I cannot empathize, I do sympathize, but I will not waver in my views of reality to cave in to a false reality that is kinder; undermining marriage and familiar relationships and ties will ultimately only cause more suffering than distorting the nature of what it is to be human. Lies can ease immediate suffering, but will ultimately cost more in the long run. I oppose cultures and ideologies that would atrociously hold you as a lesser human being, and would even support a war to fight those who would do any innocent person harm, but I won’t change the definition of marriage for emotions, however strong they may be, because marriage is sacred to me, but emotions are as the wind, and I believe humans are to be the masters of their emotions, not the reverse.
And I’m not even really convinced it’s a true, hard oppression, until I see that it causes so much distress that people are willing to do as so many pioneers have done before - or even less, since moving to another city within the same nation is so much easier than moving to a whole new world on a one-way trip where you will never communicate with your past world ever again. The ease with which a modern human can move from one city to another is staggering when compared to what those early pilgrims and pioneers did.
If I had to move to another city to marry a woman, I would, and the fact that I chose to go to a college halfway across the country for better odds of finding a mate, as opposed to more comfortable colleges in-state, and even ones better suited for what I wanted to study when I first went to college, is proof that I would do that. Don’t accept bad hands life gives you. You’ve got to make your desired future happen, or it won’t. Fortune favors the bold. The modern world teaches that you deserve everything. In reality, you only get what you make happen, and that’s why anything has any value at all.
I don’t think moving is easy, but I think when you truly desire something, you’re willing to move from a beautiful large home with spacious and ornate rooms and a beautiful view of a glistening and lush valley, to a cramped city and a tiny apartment where your room is smaller than your personal bathroom used to be (and instead of falling asleep to the sweet sounds of crickets and wind you hear construction beeping at 3am), where you work yourself exhausted, almost die a thousand miles from home, and keep going because you believe in building your own future and becoming something greater than you are right now.
Revolting is for when you don’t value human life and are willing to kill relatively innocent people because of your feelings.
I mean, it also works for when those feelings are justified because the oppressors are executing innocent people, but aside from full 1984 people disappearing in the night for saying anything bad about our grand leader and public execution parades, I despise revolutionary sentiment as it’s seeking violence where violence is not necessary.
… Cirrus, you’re not an idiot. Your theological perception of marriage is meaningless in this discussion as long as marriage has real, objectively measurable legal and social weight. As long as that is the case, your “Red Blue Notebook” analogy simply doesn’t work. Greg would objectively lose legal rights irregardless of theological concepts.
If you had couched this in terms of “I believe marriage should be a purely theological matter with no legal weight beyond the legal rights inherent in religious practices”, then your argument would have some legs to stand on. As is…

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