So weve been getting reports here that a 1 meter asteroid was detected by the International Meteor Organization and it’s going to make an atmospheric entry above Mainland Luzon in Philippines at approximately between 12:30 AM to 1 AM. It will light up our midnight sky briefly.
Unfortunately, we will not see it because of a fucking typhoon raining down on us.
Apparently, this is a breakthrough in the near earth object observations because it’s the 9th time in history that astronomers detected an asteroid hours before impact which is extremely rare and difficult to do. And of all places it could go. WOW! MY FUCKING PLACE!! It’s defo a once in a lifetime privilege.
My shoulder has been real painful recently, not been able to do any work on my camper and it’s been nuisence at work (especially when driving older buses with fucked power steering). Saw the doctor today and he’s signed me off work for a while, prescribed painkillers and referred me for an x-ray, my injured shoulder has a protrusion that needs investigating.
Sometimes, perhaps more recurrently, I would like to be someone else, someone who has friends, someone who knows what they want, someone who is not a constant dropout. Sometimes I don’t understand why I’m moving on or if I’m just letting myself go without any direction, I just want to be happy, is it too much to ask?