Sonic Discussion

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Pucci Enjoyer
Hai… Here, people can discuss anything to do with Sonic, be it games, characters, Sonic X, the comics, anything.
Just so people know, my top three Sonic characters are  
Fang the Sniper/Nack the Weasel,  
Mighty the Armadillo  
Marine the Raccoon.
My favourite game is Sonic the Fighters (prepares for incoming shitstorm)  
I don’t read the comics, but I’ve watched a few episodes of Sonic X.
Thread Starter - Pokemon General Thread

The sad thing is, Sonic Boom was a bit similar to Sonic Heroes in terms of some of the core game mechanics
But I want a PROPER sequel. A Sonic Heroes 2.
Thread Starter - Pokemon General Thread

My favorite game in the series is most likely Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Absolutely great in every way.
Sonic Adventure 2 is also really high up there, along with Sonic Heroes.
Thread Starter - Sonic Discussion

Pucci Enjoyer
Yeah… But I’m not that much of a gamer. I haven’t played anything Sonic since Rush Adventure. I’m not sure that the Olympic ones count.
Sonic 3 and Knuckles is awesome.
I’m actually gonna try and get Boom for my 3DS to check out what all the fuss is about…
Thread Starter - Pokemon General Thread

I’ve heard Sonic Boom for the 3DS is better than the Wii U version. If you want the full experience of terrible, then the Wii U version is the way to go. If you want the actual better game, then the 3DS version fits that role.
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Finally a Red Mage
I found the cover for issue 4 of the Sonic comic and the irony is quite incredible.  
I got it from this tumblr thats going over every issue of the series, and I need to say I can’t reccomend it enough, its a macical journey!

…supposedly Santa was one of the inspiration for Sonic (mostly just the color scheme of his shoes); other inspirations include Michael Jackson (the buckle on said shoes), Bill Clinton (personality, at least as seen in the early 90s) and Mickey Mouse (supposedly Sonic’s original design makes modern OCs look legit in comparison).
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