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The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions)


here is something stupid Peet said a while back. But one time someone had asked Peet if she could create a
medication to cure one non-lethal thing and Peet said periods because she grew up listening to her mom and sister
complain about them and when people mentioned how periods already have meds to help Peet got all upset. As a
matter of fact this was the time her and Josh where still friends. If I remember right someone had mentioned how
blindness would of been a better choice and Josh was the needs of the few outweigh the wants of the many. Peet
twisted it to pretty much say no those blind and deaf people will just have to suffer because periods. Mind you
last time I checked Periods have a biological function and effect every female when they start puberty.

not to mention she once again thinks the people who call her out only do it because they have no life outside of the
internet and yet she makes I don’t even know how many post a day.

here are a couple of Peet related things thought admittedly the second one and third one are drawings her wife Lizzy did.
gemprincess10 asked:
why is someone, who analyzes a trailer a sucker?
lily-peet answered:
You’re looking at context-less footage, often with the wrong audio attributed to it, and trying to pull any kind of impression from the film based on it. Anything other than “Well that was a nice trailer” or “That was a shitty trailer” is going to be nothing but conjecture, and will (whether by intention or not) drum up needless expectations and hype.
I think Peet is or might still salty about the people’s reactions to Female Ghostbusters.
Oh look Peet is a hypocrite. So you can have your female OC wear band-aid looking things around her breast and
pants but anime and video game women can’t look sexy in combat events but yours can. Here are comments from a
couple of her videos that make this even more hypocritical.
This comment chain is from an old Glass of Water video called The How, When, and Y-chromosome
slender mane2 years ago
you do know that bayonetta was designed by a woman?
Lily Peet
Lily Peet2 years ago (edited)
And written by Hideki Kamiya. And either way, bad character design is still bad character design.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet2 years ago
+pokemaster of everything The character design in general. Sexuality is not what a character IS, it’s something a character DOES. Defining a character by their sexuality is both lazy and one-dimensional.
The Ms Fanservice trope always bothered me as well. It’s two parts sexist and one part patronizing. As if Platinum Games is going “Oooh! Look at the sexy lady! Doesn’t that make you want to buy our game?”
No, no it does not, Platinum. “Sexy” ladies are a dime a dozen and quite frankly playing an overdone trope straight and claiming you’re being “subversive” might be something most of your audience is going to buy, but I wasn’t born yesterday.
Frankly in any capable universe that isn’t deliberately stacked in her favor, Bayonetta would have been dead the instant she was met with the sharp end of a sword.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet2 years ago
+Guciom Even in the context of another video game, Bayonetta would be dead. I’m not talking about realism, I’m talking about practicality. If you put her in a Battle Royale situation with Commander Shepard, Darth Traya, Dante, Nero, Raiden, and Arthas, then Bayonetta would be the first one to die.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet2 years ago
+pokemaster of everything Here’s the question you have to ask though: If Bayonetta, Dante, and Raiden were all in a fight with eachother, who dies first?
In any practical instance, Bayonetta dies first.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet2 years ago
+Joel McCabe I can’t look at broader character design when there ISN’T ANY!
This have nothing to do with what I am talking about but here is just more proof Peet will listen to any random
person this is also from the same video. This was when she was still Jerry put the point after the quote still
Cerulean Majesty2 years ago
Also, I appreciate the little jab at Gamergate. Most male Youtubers seem to support it 100% and deny the misogyny in its roots. And they’re really obsessed with Anita Sarkeesian, too. Like…I’ve never seen a single woman get so many guys stirred up. It’s getting really old at this point.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet2 years ago
Most male Youtubers seem to support it 100% and deny the misogyny in its roots.
Things like that are the reason why when I hear a radical Tumblr feminist yelling “ALL MEN ARE PIGS” I sigh begrudgingly and go “Yeah, you’re right…”
Also, I’d advise disabling replies. I may be more enlightened (or at least I like to think I am) but most of my viewers are not.
Yep that is right Peet just threw not only threw men under the bus but she even threw the people from Normal
Boots under the bus. Mind you at the time she had said that she enjoys PeanutButterGamer and ProJared
Anyway this comment chain is from Glass of Water-Tropes VS Orchard Blossom
KidSnivy961 year ago
Where did Peet even hear about Kill la Kill? He cares as much about anime as I care about My Little Pony Tales. Did someone try suggesting it, because I doubt that would sway any opinions.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet1 year ago
+KidSnivy69 I googled “Pathetic Female Armor Pandering” and that was the first result.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet1 year ago
+thatguydownthestreat If that is satire, then Epic Movie is a god of parody.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet1 year ago
+Jimmy Mcrustle I was talking about the trope as a whole. And I’ve heard all the excuses in the book. I personally despise the “revealing armor” trope regardless of it’s reasons who who’s wearing it.
It’s the trope in general. Nothing against this particular series.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet1 year ago
+Jimmy Mcrustle I would give a detailed answer, but it’s the subject of a future Glass of Water.
Short form: Going into battle with skimpy armor is simply asking to die.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet1 year ago
+Jimmy Mcrustle I suppose, but I know that said armor is designed for sex appeal first and any other reason second, and that trope is flat out freaking boring.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet1 year ago
+Jimmy Mcrustle Ubiquity. The trope is used everywhere. The vast majority of armor on female characters is designed to be sexually appealing in a rigidly conventional, hetero-normative sense. It showcases a lack of imagination in the designer.
Additionally, when a character goes into combat, sex appeal is the least important thing in the world. I expect armor to at the very least by rationally plausible. This is especially noticeable in most Fantasy RPG’s where the male characters are walking in big hunks of metal while the women are wearing skintight or bikini-esque plate and it provides the same protection… somehow.
Additionally there is Bayonetta, who’s bodysuit is supposedly impervious to all physical damage, yet she has a massive opening running all the way up her back for some reason, defeating the purpose of the bodysuit entirely.
While I’m not opposed to sex appeal, combat is not the place for such things. I know it’s not done for any reason other than popping boners, and as a result it’s constant overuse makes the trope boring. Everyone tries to come up with their own excuses, but at this point they all blend together.
The trope needs to go.
Lily Peet
Lily Peet1 year ago
+Jimmy Mcrustle “I believe like you do, that women should not be allowed to wear revealing clothes”
I didn’t say that. I said that revealing clothes in a battle is impractical and a sign of a deathwish. I’m talking about combat situations exclusively.
And now that you’re putting words in my mouth and taking conversations in circles, we’re done.
You know the last part of this year old comment is really funny when you remember just a few days ago Peet was
calling someone a Pedo while still using her Stockholm fanfic as a reason she is not a pedo the same fanfic she
deleted once people started accusing her of being a pedo

Still I do love how Peet whines about gamers trying to chase women out of video games and as you saw in the comment chain she outright said a woman’s design was still a horrible design a Japanese woman to boot since Platinum games is a Japanese company.
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