as a whole the video game adaptations i judge harshly for “not being accurate enough” are the ones that take a game that has a good story and plot and ignore it. looking at
you, resident evil and silent hill. yeah mario had a very basic story and setting, but the story wasn’t enough to make into a theatrical film and given the technological limitations of 1993 and all i doubt they could have created the world either. that said, the story itself is actually quite good, the characters were memorable, the setting was creative, and it had a full structure and climax.
that said, i would consider silent hill to be the absolute worst video game adaptation of all time. the little things they changed like swapping harry for whatever her name was and changing the snow to ash were pointless, yeah, but they worked. my big beef with that movie is two-fold:
- it starts out a religiously faithful adaptation, to the point they even mirrored the funky camera angles when whats-her-face runs down the alley before encountering the grey children at the beginning, and then half-way through throws all that away and abruptly changes to it’s own story. that’s like cinematic blue-balls: they build you up and don’t let you climax.
- the movie was written in a way that required you to understand silent hill’s lore, but then didn’t use it and instead did it’s own thing. this made the movie fall into the ass-crack of the fans: fans of the game were pissed because it was too different, and moviegoers were pissed because they didn’t know what the hell was going on. i actually went to see that movie with someone who’s never played the games. my reaction was “what the hell is pyramid head doing there?” and his reaction was “what the hell is that pyramid thing?” now i’ve been an avid fan of silent hill and it’s lore for years, so i genuinely admire that they tried to incorporate that series-wide mystique into their movie, but a movie needs to be more self-contained than that. maybe there was some executive meddling along the way or something, i don’t know, but i’m only judging the product we got in theatres.