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The Downfall of Bhaalspawn (contains possible SJW discussions)


@Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
Here is one that feels talk worthy.
I have never felt so fucking violated in my life.
What’s wrong? Are you alright, Lily?
Lily’s fine, just livid from having to deal with people’s shit that she can’t talk about because she gets dogpiled whenever she does. The post sounds more ominous than it actually is. That’s my bad because I didn’t copy the “eyeroll” from the original message.
~Mod Ebara
Oh, I see. Well, tell her to let me know if there’s anything I can do to help her if she needs it.
Lily has learned the hard way not to accept help from people outside her deliberately small social circle.
~Mod Ebara
Yeah because Xain and Lizzy seem like the best people to get help from.

@Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
Here is one that felt talk worthy.
Why do you like Quagmire’s Dad? What is it that resonates with you?
I’d always liked Quagmire’s Dad even before I realized I was trans. I saw it at a time where I didn’t know much about trans people and the resources I had (namely bitchy anons screaming at me) weren’t giving me the information I needed. This episode gave me that information. Quagmire’s Dad explicitly answers every single invasive question that trans people get asked.
But then when I was one of those people and knew it, I started experiencing the exact same things that Ida goes through in that episode.
Being told I was just a “chemically imbalanced crossdresser” and that my identity was “too much” for my friends and family to handle, and being interrogated about what I was going to do about what’s in my pants and being told I was lying because I didn’t fit their perfect mold of a trans person and having to deal with people insisting that I convince them that I wasn’t inferior to them…
That made me think about the episode of Family Guy where a trans woman is explicitly put through all of that and answers those questions FOR the dipshit audience so that I and others like me don’t have to. MacFarlane knew what I was going through. He knew how it felt to have your very person-hood interrogated and for others to prioritize their feelings over your happiness.
There’s a bit toward the middle and the end of the episode where Quagmire tries pulling the whole “This is hard for me to adjust to” schtick and Ida completely shuts it down. She (in calmer words than I ever would) says “No. This is my life. You don’t get a choice in the matter. I don’t care how hard it is for you, you WILL adjust to it.” Some people actually complained that Ida didn’t consider her son’s feelings in all of this, like this jackass on the TVTropes page.
There’s more crap like this talking about how Quagmire is the only “relatable” character in the episode and how Ida is being inconsiderate. It’s hilarious how much this shit goes over their heads.
The fact of the matter is, MacFarlane wrote Ida this way because he knows that Ida is under no obligation to consider Quagmire’s feelings about it. People who behave this way in real life have to suck it up. And Quagmire is explicitly told to suck it up.
That stuck with me, especially when my father tried pulling that stunt.
Family Guy is the only show to explicitly say “No, you don’t owe anybody an explanation for your identity. You are not the problem here, they are.”
I call Seth MacFarlane “the most woke TV Producer” as a joke at just how two-faced much of Hollywood is. With how many producers claim to support LGBT people, only to either wait until the last second to give them representation, give them representation and then immediately kill the characters, or do something like Garnet where the LGBT characters are hidden from view most of the time, MacFarlane is the only one who has openly, aggressively and proudly vocalized his support for LGBT rights. He’s always balanced out his crude humor by putting his money where his mouth is.
I will gladly take genuine support peppered with frat boy humor over the disingenuous bullshit that many other producers give.
to see the image I recommend clicking on the link to see what the image said but for those that don’t want to click on the link here is what the image is.
Unintentionally Unsympathetic: As pointed out by Jem Ida is this. The episode was meant to be a sympathetic portrayal of the transgendered yet despite the fact that Ida had the advantage of thinking about this for years she never thought about how it would affect her son. She never told her son who idolizes her about her intentions to become a woman. She gave him no time to adjust, yet she scolded him for not taking it well right off the bat while ignoring the fact that Peter and Lois were openly mocking her. And then she reveals that she didn’t even consider how he’d take it to begin with.
Now that I think about it isn’t Ida still treated like a joke in Family Guy?

Sorry to double post but here is a Lily Tumblr copy and paste.
Why do you treat everyone with an opposing opinion as wrong? And If you do respond to this, please don’t spout off shit like: “Because they are morons for not thinking exactly like me.”
Because they’re morons who can’t articulate themselves, ignore important information when forming their opinions, and write off their own ignorance with “but it’s muh ‘pinion” when someone points out their faulty and incorrect line of thinking.
Don’t vocalize your opinions if you don’t want them to be scrutinized.
Also on her Tumblr is her bad mouthing the writers of Voltron Legendary Defenders. Because for some reason her
white knights want to ask her questions about shows she never watches.
Making an edit because I didn’t want to triple post.
Honestly fans need to stop putting faith in what people from the production say in “exclusive” interviews, panels, and so forth and just let the show/film speak for itself. If something is affecting the production, then yeah make a stink about it, but you shouldn’t invest in implications. Show don’t tell, wouldn’t you agree?
I think it’s more important that the production team stop boasting about how inclusive they are and then balking when it comes time to show it. If you publicly talk about how inclusive you are, and then refuse to actually show it, then the fan outrage is entirely your own doing.
Stop going out of your way to piss people off, and acting like they’re the bad people for being pissed off.
Yeah so glad she never became a RWBY fan because this post shows that she would indeed be that type of fan.

@Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
he is suppose to be after all that wiki that said he is an amoral person but yet he is some how above rape and
torture and yet goes through the trouble of destroy schools and hospitals. I sometimes wonder if Lily even knows
what the word amoral means.

@Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
Oh boy a Glass of Water on her hate for Starlight what a new and original video from the queen of hypocrites. I
like how for the last one Discord got away with pretty much provoking Starlight and yet again she is in the wrong.
At this rate Lily might as well do a video on Mr. Enter and how he is a loser for daring to call out YouTube’s
horrible copyright system. I remember that was a video she wanted to do so long ago she was using her dead name. I
wonder why she never did that video?

@Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
Two things that little girl photo Lily likes using is my expression anytime Lily speaks about stuff she has no idea
what she is talking about like video games and anime and two why on earth is Lily putting masculine and feminine
beside the genders of her OC’s and not male and female? She did it for the last one.

I think that last one is drawn by Lizzy and is a different version of that OC
@Bizarre Tibetan Sand Fox
It isn’t a shock that Lizzy isn’t listening in all fairness at this point we really need to be calling her wife by
her preferred pronouns because just calling Lily as Jerry is just giving the white knigts ammo about how her
critics are all jerks. That being said Lizzy is one to talk about someone not caring about pedos when Lily was
givien proof about Toons horrible behavior a year before everything happened and she did nothing. I am also sorry
for repeating my self but for someone who hates pedos in fandoms other then whining about lolicon, shotacon, and
foalcon based fanfics and fanarts. I see Lily saying nothing about fanfics and fanart with pedo themes from the
Steven Universe fandom and Star VS fandom. Can’t even bring up the fact she hates those shows since she calls out
fanfics and fanart with pedo themes from the MLP:FIM fandom and anime fandom. There is also Lily’s fanfics that
also have those themes.
Background Pony #E5D6
You mean because the video was nothing but a bunch of assumptions, rather tham truth?
The Glim Glam
Wallet After Summer Sale -
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Glim Glam Fam~
Sorry to double post but here have a video from ThatKidDouglas and him calling out Vida. You know it is good because it has more dislikes which means the Vida white knights didn’t like it.
The comment section is trash. Literally Vida’s collective of dick suckers bitching that someone hates their little leader.
I also love how their mentality is “YO COME TO OUR SERVER TO DEBATE LOL!!!!’.
I can get Douglas was disjointed but fuck.
Vida Pony

@maud pie of the Well  
Just popping in for a moment to say that the video in question was a load of garbage. Hell, even people with no connection to me were saying how they don’t like me, but the video in question was poorly researched. But it’s SO much easier to just say that the video has so many dislikes because of my “White Knights,” isn’t it?
Of course, this doesn’t take into account the fact that I get into arguments frequently with people in my own server when we disagree on something. In fact, I get shit on just as much, if not more, than the people you think my “White Knights” collectively go after. Those are some pretty shitty white knights, if that’s the case.
Some good news, though. After quite a bit of back and forth with Douglas (mostly forth, honestly), I’ve managed to talk him into a call to discuss everything he brought up. So that’s going to be enjoyable. I’m going to see if he’s fine with streaming it as well.
And yes, it will be a one-on-one call.
P.S. Literally no clue how to tag. Hardly use this site. Pardon that.

Here is a Lily related archive.
thisdorkyguyblogs asked:
Do you feel that recent Discord/Starlight episode was a callout to Starlight detractors? That random line of
Discord calling her power hungry and incompetent sounded like some salt from the writers. .
It sounds like that because it is. I’ve said for a while, the writers are VERY upset that Starlight hasn’t been received well and they’ve been lashing out more and more. This is the third episode this season centered around the theme of “Starlight is the most specialist of ponies!”
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